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“ For Locals , by Locals ”
Visit Newport Beach Launches Campaign to Lure Spring Travelers
Collage of images from the Visit Newport Beach spring campaign
By Christopher Trela | NB Indy
After successful winter campaigns to draw visitors from Arizona to our balmy beaches , Visit Newport Beach now invites travelers to ‘ Float With Us ’ this spring .
Visit Newport Beach has launched a digital marketing campaign designed to entice visitors to experience the water-centric experiences in Newport Beach . Their pitch : situated across 10 miles of pristine coastline and boasting more water than land , Newport Beach is ideal for those seeking adventure with an array of water activities this spring .
The campaign has been brought to life through an extensive photoshoot showcasing
Newport Beach City Manager Update
Grace Leung , Newport Beach City Manager
By Grace Leung , Newport Beach City Manager
As this winter ’ s record rainfall and snowpack levels are tallied , they add up to significant drought relief for Orange County and all of California .
The recent storms have refilled many of California ’ s major water supply reservoirs . A number of of the largest reservoirs have now reached or exceeded average levels for this time of year , compared to recent years where reservoir levels were far below historical averages .
Locally , the wet winter brought about 25 inches of rainfall , with 14 inches being the seasonal average . This local rainfall has increased volume in the Orange County groundwater basin , from which the City pumps nearly 80 percent of its four traveler segments in our harbor , estuary , resort pools and beaches .
In one segment , families can be seen sailing across Newport Harbor , while in another Gen-Z travelers are showcased kayaking through the 1,000 acres of preserved wetlands in Newport ’ s Back Bay .
In a third segment , Millennials can be seen in Newport Beach ’ s diverse collection of hotels and resorts . The last segment shows a duo surfing the waves for a girl ’ s getaway .
“’ Float With Us ’ encourages a new wave of visitors who are seeking a renewing and adventurous vacation this spring ,” says Gary Sherwin , President & CEO of Visit Newport Beach . “ As a coastal city with year-round sunshine and world-class accommodations , Newport Beach is the ultimate spring break destination . From cruising the harbor in a sailboat or electric boat , catching some waves , or docking and dining at one of our waterfront restaurants , our spring campaign highlights the many ways to adventure on the water in Newport Beach .”
To reach key drive markets including Los Angeles , San Diego , Las Vegas and the Bay Area as well as target audiences nationally , Visit Newport Beach ’ s “ Float With Us ”
water . The groundwater basin benefits from rainwater that is captured and percolates into the basin , and from a reduced need for outdoor water , which helps retain more water in the basin .
The rain and snowfall received in Northern California also helps with local supply . The abundant rain has helped fill the state ’ s largest reservoirs , including Shasta , Oroville and San Luis . The state is aggressively moving much of that water south into local reservoirs and treatment facilities , in anticipation of a massive amount of additional water from melting snow ( the Northern California snowpack is nearly 200
APRIL 14 , 2023 | VOLUME XV , ISSUE 8
Get Off Your Apps : April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month
April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month , and the Newport Beach Police Department will be actively looking for drivers throughout the month who are in violation of the state ’ s hands-free cell phone law .
“ Holding your phone and using it while driving is not only dangerous , but also illegal ,” Lieutenant Eric Little said . “ Before starting the car , silence your phone or put it in the glove box , trunk or back seat . Anywhere you can ’ t reach .”
According to the 2022 California Statewide Public Opinion Survey , nearly 72 % of drivers surveyed said that distracted driving because of texting was their biggest safety concern . In 2021 , the California Highway Patrol ( CHP ) issued nearly 56,000 citations for distracted driving .
Under current law , drivers are not allowed to hold a phone or electronic communications device while operating a vehicle . This includes talking , texting , or using an app . Using a hand-
DRIVING Page 10 the
April is “ distracted driving awareness month .” How much of an issue do you think distracted driving is in Newport Beach ?
� Not a problem
� It ’ s a small problem
� It ’ s an issue we need to do more to fix