enforcement training courses . A veteran of the U . S . Marine Corps , Cartwright serves as the chairman of the board of directors for the Newport Beach 1st Battalion , 1st Marines Foundation , which provides support and relief for service members and their families .
Please join me in welcoming Chief Cartwright to his new position !
FRACTIONAL HOMEOWNERSHIP Thank you to residents and stakeholders who wrote to us and voiced your opinions during the March 14 City Council meeting on the topic of fractional homeownership . After months of effort by the City ’ s Planning Commission and extensive public input , Council members voted unanimously to uphold a “ preferred ” recommendation from the Planning Commission that will effectively prohibit fractional ownership in residential zoning districts .
The Council ’ s decision will broaden the definition of timeshare to include fractional homeownership . Since timeshare properties are not permitted in residential zones , the Council decision will make them illegal in residential neighborhoods .
Fractional ownership is where multiple property buyers , generally organized under an umbrella corporation , purchase percentages of homes for the right to use the home part-time . Many residents have expressed concerns about noise , parking , high turnover , and other neighborhood impacts that may arise with short-term stays .
Following a September 2022 study session , the City ’ s Planning Commission examined the issue through an ad hoc committee , which met with residents and stakeholders and issued a set of recommendations for Council consideration . The Council declined to explore the commission ’ s alternative recommendation to create a regulatory framework that would have allowed fractional homeownership under a set of restrictive conditions .
The issue will return next month to the Planning Commission , which will conduct a public hearing on a draft ordinance to amend the City ’ s Municipal Code . In May , the ordinance will be presented to the City Council for approval and submitted to the California Coastal Commission for the amendments in our Local Coastal Program ( Title 21 ).
ONLINE PLAN CHECK , PERMITTING NOW AVAILABLE FOR RESIDEN- TIAL SOLAR PROJECTS Residents can now submit home solar power projects electronically for plan review and permit issuance , eliminating the need to visit the City Hall Permit Center . The service is available through the CiViC ( Newport Beach City Virtual Connect ) online portal .
In June the City plans to launch an additional option , to submit residential plans entirely online for new construction , additions , and remodels . Commercial projects will follow , by the end of this year . These improvements are part of an ongoing effort to expand online services for our residents and developer community .
The CiViC site can be accessed at newportbeachca . gov / civic .
CIVIC GREEN TURF REPLACEMENT COMPLETED After rain delays , the City has completed a project to replace turf at the Civic Center Green . The new turf is “ Westcoaster ” tall fescue hybrid , which requires less water than other varieties and is much more durable , making it suitable for active recreational use .
Additionally , the City ’ s automated mowers have resumed daily operations . The Bumble Bee , Lady Bug and Turtle themed mowers take one week to mow the Civic Green and help keep up with maintenance needs . The City is ready to host many funfilled community events coming up this spring and summer at the Civic Green .
JANUARY TREASURY REPORT NOW AVAILABLE The January 2023 Treasury Report is available on the City ’ s website at : newportbeachca . gov / treasury .
As of January , the City ’ s investment portfolio totaled $ 382.9 million when measured at amortized cost . The current market value of the City ’ s portfolio of $ 372.5 million incorporates price fluctuations due to the changing interest rate environment that are typically irrelevant , since the City typically holds its securities to maturity and receives the full principal value at that time .
The City ’ s Liquidity Portfolio is sized to meet the City ’ s cash flow needs over the next 12 months . Approximately $ 68.6 million or
18 percent of the portfolio was invested in liquid investments available for day-to-day operating expenses and the costs associated with ongoing construction projects . An additional $ 42.7 million or 11 percent of the overall portfolio was invested in a portfolio of securities with targeted short-term maturities , which earns a higher yield than the City ’ s more liquid investments .
MARINA PARK LIGHTHOUSE GETS FRESH PAINT The City is repainting the lighthouse public restroom at the Marina Park playground , the first of several City facilities that will be refurbished this spring .
The lighthouse restroom repainting will be completed by mid-April . During construction the public restrooms and the slide on the lighthouse may be temporarily closed . Signs will be placed to direct the public to nearby restrooms .
FREE DOCUMENT SHREDDING , E- WASTE DISPOSAL AND COMPOST DISTRIBUTION APRIL 22 Join us on April 22 from 8 a . m . to noon at the Newport Beach Corporation Yard , 592 Superior Ave ., for an Earth Day event brought to you by the City of Newport Beach and CR & R .
The event will feature free document shredding , e-waste disposal , and a compost giveaway . Residents can bring up to 10 standard file boxes of documents for shredding and can receive up to five , 30-lb . bags of compost while supplies last . Please note that residency will be verified , so don ’ t forget to bring identification .
Our shredder can accommodate most materials including bank and financial statements , credit card statements or preapproved credit card offers , old IRS tax forms , checks or bills , old credit cards and plastic / paper membership cards , junk mail , and documents bound with staples or paper clips . Please note that x-rays or larger plastic items such as binders cannot be accepted .
Acceptable items for e-waste disposal include computers , computer monitors , keyboards , televisions , flat panels , other monitors , printers , DVD players , cell phones , and other small electronic devices . Medical waste , batteries and other household hazardous waste will not be accepted . For more information , please contact
our Public Works Department at ( 949 ) -718-3055 .
BE WELL MOBILE CRISIS RE- SPONSE UPDATE The Be Well mobile crisis response team operates in Newport Beach 12 hours a day , 7 days a week to respond to mental and behavioral health crises . The mobile unit is staffed with mental health specialists and works closely with the City ’ s police and fire departments . This week , the Be Well team :
• Transported two people to a crisis stabilization unit for treatment .
• Transported a person to the Be Well sobering station for treatment and enrollment into a residential detox program .
• Assisted a family with locating and coordinating an intake into a substance use disorder treatment facility for their loved one .
• Assisted a stranded couple with obtaining gas gift cards for their return trip home to Ohio .
• Provided mental health and wellness resources to several families .
• Transported seven people to services , shelter intakes , and appointments .
HOMELESSNESS UPDATE This week , the City ’ s homeless outreach and response teams :
• Housed an older adult in an assisted living facility . The person experienced homelessness for four years in Newport Beach .
• Assisted a family with minor children who moved into their new apartment in Newport Beach .
• Transported a client and her dogs to a veterinarian for vaccinations required by her housing opportunity .
• Transported a client to the Social Security office to order a replacement card . The client is matched to an Emergency Housing Voucher .
• Completed a paperwork packet with a client to secure an Emergency Housing Voucher .
• Provided an ID voucher to a client .
• Continued to shelter people . Twenty people who had been experiencing homelessness in Newport Beach are now sheltered in the Costa Mesa Bridge Shelter .
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effect on tourism to Newport Beach .
“ The Balboa Island Ferry is part of our culture , it ’ s part of our heritage ,” stated Gary Sherwin , President and CEO of Visit Newport Beach , the nonprofit marketing organization under contract with the City to position Newport Beach as a visitor and conference destination . “ There are certain iconic attractions in California . The ferry is ours . We have the harbor and beaches , and the ferry is right up there when it comes to what makes us Newport Beach . It ’ s more than a transportation device , it is part
of the uniqueness that separate us from other cities .”
As Sherwin notes , the loss of the Balboa Island Ferry service would be devastating for the community and the local economy .
“ It provides a unique and essential transportation service to residents , visitors , and workers ,” said Sherwin . Sherwin believes the emissions mandate is well intended , but should have been more surgical in scope . The state is trying to go all electric , but the technology does not exist for companies like the Balboa Island Ferry .
“ That ’ s the problem ,” said Sherwin . “ They can ’ t go to Lowes , pick up an electric motor , drop in in these old barges , and make it work . They need to hire an engineering company . It ’ s not that they don ’ t want to comply , but they need a longer runway . It may take several years to allow cost and engineering to catch up with the state mandate .”
Sherwin said he has had a “ sympathetic conversation ” with CARB and is working on providing them with additional information about the ferry . Former Newport Beach Mayor Diane
Dixon , now Assemblywomen Dixon , has gotten involved , and the situation has even reached the Governor of California .
Locally , Sherwin suggests the Newport Beach City Council could draft a letter in support of accommodations for the ferry , whose service supports the California Coastal Commission ’ s desire for affordable access to the water .
“ It ’ s a ridiculous situation ,” said Sherwin . “ The ferry just needs more time . That ’ s all we are asking . I am hopeful some sort of resolution can come out of it .”