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Hundreds of Runners Participate in the 39th Annual Spirit Run March 12

MARCH 17 , 2023 | VOLUME XV , ISSUE 6


Runners at the start of a Spirit Run race / Photo by Jim Collins
By Christopher Trela | NB Indy
Hundreds of runners from toddlers to families to dogs participated in the 39th Annual Spirit Run held on Sunday , March 12 in and around Fashion Island .
While they competed for awards in various categories , the runners also helped raise thousands of dollars for local schools and charities , including Corona del Mar High School , CdM middle school , Eastbluff Elementary , Harbor View Elementary , Mariners Elementary , Newport Beach Junior Lifeguards , and many others .
Participants and spectators also enjoyed the event day Youth , Fitness , and Dog Expo .
According to the Spirit Run website , from 1983 to 2010 , Spirit Run was presented by PTAs from five Newport Beach elementary schools which shared its net proceeds .
In 2010 , Newport-Mesa Spirit Run , Inc . ( NMSRI ), a California 501 ( c )( 3 ) nonprofit , was founded to continue Spirit Run and share its net proceeds with schools throughout the Newport-Mesa Unified School District .
Since 2017 , any school , youth sport , or youth cause may apply to fundraise .
NMSRI ’ s Board of Directors are unpaid , volunteers dedicated to continuing Spirit Run , youth fitness , providing free event entries to underprivileged students , and donating event net proceeds to participating schools , youth sports , and other youth causes .
Registrations for the 2023 Spirit Run began at 6:30 a . m . Races started at 7:30 a . m ., with the last race getting underway at 10:30 a . m .

Newport Beach City Manager Update

In the Youth 5K category , Kevin Steinman , 15 , of Corona del Mar High School won with a time of 16:45.9 .
Winners of other race categories include :
• 4yrs Quarter Mile : Noelle Mosey
• Masters Mile & Open Mile : Taylor
• Elite Mile : Nathan Sloan
• Adult : Roosevelt Cook
• Dog : Brian Duff
• Family Mile : Carson Driscoll
• 9-14yrs Mile : Aidan Antonio
• 7-8yrs Mile : Julianna Melendez
• 5-6yrs Half Mile : James Schurger
For more information , including a complete list of race results , visit https :// www . newportspiritrun . org .
By Christopher Trela | NB Indy On Monday , March 13 , Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Steve Rosansky released a video announcement to Chamber members and other businesses and community members discussing the recent bank failures .
“ If you have been watching the news or your social media channels over the last few days , you know that on Friday Silicon Valley Bank , with over 200 billion dollars in assets , was taken over by the FDIC ,” said Rosansky in the video . “ This is the biggest bank failure since the great recession and the second biggest failure in US history . Another bank , Signature Bank , with about 100 billion dollars in assets , was taken over on Sunday .”
In response , said Rosansky , the FDIC put out a statement on Sunday that was followed up by a speech by President Biden that all depositors of the two banks would be fully protected whether or not their bank account balances exceeded the $ 250,000 FDIC limit .
“ Depositors were able to receive this extraordinary level of protection due to a determination by the Secretary of the Treasury , Janet Yellen , that there was a systemic risk to the banking system and that intervention was necessary ,” said Rosnasky . “ The FDIC also announced that it would make available additional funding to eligible banking institutions to ensure they have the ability to meet the needs of their depositors .”
According to Rosansky , this means that whether your money is deposited in either of those banks or in another bank , there is no need to panic . Funds are secure . However , stockholders and unsecured creditors of these banks , will not be protected and likely have lost their entire investment and / or the funds lent to these banks .
Grace Leung , Newport Beach City Manager
By Grace Leung , Newport Beach City Manager
The Newport Beach Police Department has an impressive record of crime clearance , well above many other regional agencies . In most cases , a crime is considered “ cleared ” when at least one person involved in an offense has been either arrested , charged , or turned over to the courts for prosecution .
According to Department of Justice records , burglaries , robberies , thefts and vehicle thefts are cleared at a rate of about 12 percent on average among Southern California agencies . In Newport Beach , the clearance rates are 22.8 percent for burglaries , 66.3 percent for robberies , 15.6 percent for thefts , and 28.6 percent for vehicle thefts .
Clearly , the Police Department ’ s collaborative , professional approach to solving crimes is paying dividends for our community . Among other crime-solving techniques , the Newport Beach PD :
• Routes 911 calls quickly through a “ flash broadcast ” system that sends thorough , relevant dispatches in real time .
• Maintains meticulous record keeping that helps connect related reports to leads , and quickly finalizes arrest reports for submission



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