NBindy_2.17.23 | Page 8

8 newportbeachindy . com FEBRUARY 17 , 2023

STEPPING OUT Wild Child Tribute to The Doors Comes to the Coach House April 8

Wild Child at
The Coach
House in November
/ photo by Jim
By Christopher Trela | NB Indy
Jim Morrison of The Doors died in 1971 , but his spirit lives on more than five decades later thanks to Wild Child , a Doors tribute band whose members hail from Southern California .
According to the band ’ s bio , Wild Child faithfully re-creates a live Doors concert on stage . The music is painstakingly reproduced , and lead vocalist Dave Brock assumes the persona of Jim Morrison live on stage . Wild Child tries to mirror
the depth , energy and emotion of The Doors concerts as they were live back in the late 1960s . The Band also utilizes the same musical instruments live as The Doors .
Local Doors fans can experience Wild Child when they bring their
exciting show to The Coach House in San Juan Capistrano on April 8 .
So how does someone embody a musical enigma like Jim Morrison ?
Brock started Wild Child in the mid-1980s after being cast as the lead in the “ Jim Morrison Rock Opera ” produced by Morrison ’ s sister , Anna Morrison . Wild Child explodded onto the music scene after their first show at The Whisky a-Go-Go in Hollywood on July 3rd , 1986 — exactly 15 years to the day that Jim Morrison died .
“ This is as close as you ’ ll get to the real thing ” said The Doors ’ late keyboardist Ray Manzarek after seeing Wild Child .
Legendary DJ Jim Ladd called Wild Child “ a loving , respectful , accurate and well done tribute to The Doors .”
Wild Child continues to play at venues around the country and abroad , and are favorites at The Coach House . Anyone who has attended a Wild Child concert is usually amazed by the experience . This is a serious re-creation of a Doors stage show unlike anything you ’ ve seen .
For tickets to the Wild Child show at the Coach House on April 8 , visit thecoachhouse . com / concertschedule .

City Manager

budget surplus of $ 24 million , which will be used to purchase property for a future police station . We also expect to end the 2022-23 fiscal year with at least a $ 10 million surplus , due to higher-than-anticipated growth in the top three revenue categories ( property , sales and hotel taxes ) and expenditure savings . Most of the 2022-23 surplus will be put in a contingency fund and replenish capital project fund reserves . We anticipate continued revenue growth in the 2023-24 fiscal year , although at a slower pace . The City ’ s aggressive paydown of future CalPERS liabilities will continue , and we expect to eliminate that debt in approximately 10 years .
• Continuing initiatives . The Council received an update on the General Plan , and the work of the two resident committees now underway . On the topic of homelessness , Council members acknowledged the City ’ s accomplishments in recent years , but stressed the need to devote additional resources to the issue . The ongoing work of the Aviation Committee to reduce airport impacts was discussed , as was an update to the City ’ s legislative platform , which will return to the Council for
consideration later this month .
• Capital improvement spending . The Council discussed several infrastructure projects now underway , such as harbor dredging ( fully funded and expected to begin this spring ), the Library Lecture Hall ( facing a budget shortfall due to higher construction costs ), the Balboa Island drainage project ( design underway ), 15th Street beach restroom replacement ( design and community outreach to begin shortly ), and the Newport Bay Trash Interceptor ( the City is seeking additional public and private funding and expects to begin construction in 2024 ). Preliminary work and community outreach on the new Peninsula fire station and branch library , and rehabilitation of the Newport Pier and McFadden Plaza area , is set to begin this year .
SPRING CLASS , CAMP REGISTRATION It ’ s time to serve up some fun this spring through activities and events with the City ’ s Recreation and Senior Services Department !
Spring into a refreshed routine with new classes like Cheer Jump & Stunts , indoor volleyball , longboard surf clinics
, and more . Registration for spring classes and camps opened Thursday , Feb . 16 at 8 a . m .
Residents should be on the lookout for the latest print edition of the Newport Navigator arriving in their mailboxes .
MARINERS PARK RESTROOMS REOPEN AFTER UPGRADES The public restrooms at Mariners Park reopened last week following City maintenance and upgrades to refresh the facility . The improvements included painting of exterior and interior surfaces and metal doors , as well as replacing older light fixtures with efficient LEDs .
These upgrades enhance the overall appearance of the building and improve energy efficiency .
BE WELL MOBILE CRISIS RE- SPONSE UPDATE The Be Well mobile crisis response team operates in Newport Beach 12 hours a day , 7 days a week to respond to mental and behavioral health crises . The mobile unit is staffed with mental health specialists and EMTs , and works closely with the City ’ s police and fire
departments . This week the Be Well team :
• Collaborated with City staff to relocate a man to his hometown to obtain services and resources .
• Transported a person to the Be Well sobering station for treatment .
• Transported two people to the hospital for medical care .
• Transported six people to services , shelter intakes , and appointments .
HOMELESSNESS UPDATE This week the City ’ s homeless outreach and response teams :
• Collaborated with staff at HB Oasis , a non-congregate transitional housing facility , to support a person placed last week . HB Oasis was an older motel that was converted into transitional housing through the State ’ s Project Homekey initiative .
• Continued to shelter people . Seventeen people who had been experiencing homelessness in Newport Beach are sheltered in the Costa Mesa Bridge Shelter .
• Completed the necessary forms to extend an Emergency Housing Voucher and assisted the client in applying for apartments .