NBindy_10.28.22 for digital | Page 12

12 newportbeachindy . com OCTOBER 28 , 2022


Newport Veteran to Row Across the Atlantic To Raise Attention of Vet Suicides

By Richard Simon | NB Indy
As Chinese sage Lao Tzu observed in 500 BCE , “ A journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step .”
Likewise , a similar odyssey in a 24-foot boat begins this December , when 71- year-old Robert Owens of Newport Beach , along with 11 others , takes the “ first ” of many thousands of rows across the Atlantic from the Canary Islands , en route to an Antigua landfall 3,500 challenging miles and 40 to 50 days to the Southwest .
Antigua is located on the central coast of the island of Fuerteventura .
Owens , a US Air Force “ Pararescue ” veteran who usually accomplishes his record-setting efforts solo , will be joining a team of seven men and five women in the attempt . He ’ ll be the only American among an international crew , several of whom already have singly rowed across the “ pond ,” one woman having accomplished that feat twice .
An endurance athlete , Owens was recognized as “ the fittest and mentally toughest 66-year-old in the world ” by Joe de Sena , founder of the global Spartan Games , in which competitors race seven marathons in seven days on seven continents .
In all , Owens has finished 12 Ironman triathlons , and is one of the original Ironman finishers from the 1980 Honolulu event . As for being the fittest , “ I don ’ t believe that ’ s
Robert Owens / photos by Richard Simon true , but it was nice for de Sena to have said that ,” Owens beamed .
Owens said that he sees this crossing more a mental than a physical challenge .
However , it still takes physical preparation . To that end , for several months now , he has been focusing on lower back , hips , glutes and hamstring conditioning , coupled with air and weight squats — including completion of a half-Ironman marathon — to maintain overall readiness .
Owens sees this exercise more as a mental game rather than an anaerobic challenge , he emphasized . The team has settled on an effcient cadence of 18 strokes per minute , or 1,020 strokes per hour , 24-hours a day . Those numbers obviously will vary according to weather and sea conditions , health and fatigue .
Assuming everything goes well , the number of rowing strokes per person over the full course could total more than 1,224,000 . But divide that in half per individual , for rowers will alternate three hours on and three off for the 40-plus days . One and one-half hours into each “ watch ,” the athletes will shift from port to starboard , and vice versa .
Dining consists of freeze-dried packaged food prepared over a tiny backpacking stove during off hours . Although navigation and communications are maintained using stateof-the-art , solar-powered electronics , plumbing is as primitive as the invention of the bucket — positioned topsides above the forward cabin behind the rowers .
All privacy or modesty has been tossed overboard , along with biodegradable facial wipes .
For general clothes washing , the laundromat is called the Atlantic and or Caribbean , easily located just on the other side of the gunwales . But there aren ’ t too many clothes to worry about : each rower is allowed one tee shirt , and one pair of shorts . But Owens said he ’ ll cheat just a little bit , and stuff an extra shirt and shorts into his one-foot by two-foot duffe bag .
While not rowing , team members will be sleeping or reclining three abreast in the very confined , water tight cabins , located at the bow and stern . If there is any praying to be done , it probably will be for fresh air at the end of the rest period .
Each rower has her or his reason for the crossing . Owens ’ purpose is to raise money for and attention to his favorite cause : veteran suicide prevention . This was underscored recently when one of his dear friends , a career Navy SEAL with apparently everything going well , inexplicably committed suicide
Whenever possible , Owens talks to a wide variety of groups about veterans ’ issues , which he ties into a general theme on the importance of physical conditioning
His goal is to raise $ 100,000 for his cause , the Courage Foundation . As of mid-October , he has brought in more than $ 15,000 . To contribute , Owens can be reached via his website , roberthamiltonowens . com ; or the link , Robrows4vets . org .
Although he and this teammates will be facing backwards for 3,500 miles , Owens is truly looking forward to what he calls his greatest adventure to date .


Pacific Wine and Food Classic at Newport Dunes a Sell-Out Success

By Isabella Ocanas | Special to the NB Indy
The Pacific Wine & Food Classic was a sold-out success after its twoyear hiatus due to COVID-19 . Held at the Newport Dunes on Saturday , Oct . 1 , the event boasted bites from some of Orange County ’ s finest food spots . From Chef Leo Razo ’ s signature championship paella to some exciting new eats – plus wine and spirits – this was the event you didn ’ t want to miss .
“ It ’ s a beautiful sight to see Orange County ’ s incredible culinary community come together once again ,” says Pamela Waitt , President of OC Restaurant Association and founder of Pacific Wine & Food Classic , said in a press statement . “ Our restaurant industry was hit hard the last couple of years , so being able to donate proceeds to Golden
Rule Charity makes everything come full circle . We pride ourselves with uplifting Southern California ’ s celebrated chefs and food scene , allowing others to discover its gems .”
While the over 30 vendors that served at the Pacific Wine and Food Classic all wowed in their own right , there were a few that really stole the show .
LOVERS BOARD : It would be remiss not to mention the 40 ft charcuterie board that took center stage at the festival that weekend . Courtesy of Lovers Board , the spread has been deemed the largest charcuterie board in Southern California . Cheeses ranged from mild to even the stinkiest ( for the more adventurous crowd ) and were paired with a number of meats , jams , nuts , fruits , and crackers .
HOOK & ANCHOR : Hook &
Arancini from Hook & Anchor Restaurant in Newport Beach / photo by Chris Trela
Anchor stood out with their seafood arancini . Made with a mix of shrimp , crab , and lobster and topped with the restaurant ’ s pureed cioppino base and chimichurri sauce , the arancini , while not a regular menu item , is a beautiful representation of what the fast-casual joint is . Extra points are awarded for it being an easily portable snack .
MAYOR ’ S TABLE : One of the more interesting bites came from Mayor ’ s Table in the form of a savory macaroon . A Newport Beach classic , Mayors Table is known for its deliciously creative use of California ’ s seasonal ingredients . They continued its legacy with a modern take on this Italian classic dessert . Between the roasted
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