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Harvested only in the fall , matsutake mushrooms are incorporated in autumn dishes at Sushi Ii . Master chef Susumu Ii sources these hyper-seasonal mushrooms , which are highly sought-after and are becoming increasingly rare . The mushrooms feature a subtle spice and bear the slight scent of cinnamon . They ’ ll be on the menu as soon as they come into season , which begins in October and lasts through late November or , occasionally , into early December . The chef will include them in his “ omakase ”— or chef ’ s choice — dishes like his “ dobin mushi ,” a Japanese broth that allows diners to appreciate these mushrooms ’ unique flavor and unmistakable aroma . “ Dobin mushi is the most traditional way to experience the seasonality of matsutake mushrooms ,” Ii says . “ The soup ’ s stock —“ dashi ”— is prepared ahead of time with bonito [ fish ] and kelp . These strong flavors enhance and complement the richness of the matsutake and bring about its aroma . It ’ s served with a side of ‘ sudachi ,’ a Japanese citrus , which brings the whole dish into balance .” ( 949-287-6268 ; sushi-ii . com )
For dessert , the honeynut squash tiramisu at Lido Bottle Works is the perfect fall sweet treat that you probably didn ’ t know existed . The star ingredient is a variant of butternut squash . “ I try and use honeynut squash from Weiser [ Family ] Farms every year in some capacity ,” says Joel Gutierrez , executive
Bonfire Old-Fashioned at Bayside Restaurant
Honeynut squash tiramisu combines sweet and savory ingredients at Lido Bottle Works .
chef at Lido Bottle Works . “ It ’ s a fantastic product that ’ s inherently very sweet , so it pairs really well with desserts .” The squash comes together with house amaretto and acorn squash creme anglaise for a light dish that plays with the palate . “ I always try and pair a savory ingredient with sweet ingredients ,” Gutierrez says of his approach . “ It ’ s something I enjoy and I think brings a little bit of creativity to dessert .” For the tiramisu , he says , ginger is incorporated in the mascarpone blend with the squash , as well as cinnamon , allspice and cloves —“ just to give it that warming fall spice .”
In addition to fall-focused dishes , there are also plenty of autumnal cocktails that are sure to
Left : Sushi Ii ’ s “ dobin mushi ,” a Japanese broth , incorporates hyperseasonal matsutake mushrooms that are only harvested in the fall .
help warm you up . Take , for example , the Bonfire Old-Fashioned that will be introduced in early October at Bayside Restaurant . “ We try to come up with something fun that fits the season ,” says Cameron Mealey , Bayside ’ s special events manager . New this year , the cocktail is made with rye whiskey , which means the liquor must be made using at least 51 % rye grain . “ We wanted something that was traditional , but with a twist ,” Mealey says . “ It feels warm and cozy , but not smoky , so it definitely will appeal to more Old- Fashioned cocktail lovers . The combination of a rye whiskey with maple syrup as the sweetener , combined with the chocolate bitters gives that sitting-by-the-bonfire vibe to the cocktail .” ( 949- 721-1222 ; baysiderestaurant . com ) NBM