NB Highlights November 2017 | Page 4


Welcome to North Branch Elementary School!

Located at 4055 Elm Creek Rd, North Branch, Michigan, we are home to over 800 elementary students. We offer our students enriching opportunities with physical education, music class, computers class, and Spanish modules. At NBES classrooms are inviting, engaging, and progressive. We are excited to share many resources for your elementary Bronco, as well as school news and information here in this eMagazine. Please know you can contact us any time with questions, concerns, or inquiries at 810-688-3041 (press 1 for attendance, 0 for the office).

I encourage you to subscribe to REMIND, a text messaging service that will keep you informed of important information and reminders. Simply text @nbepa to 81010 today!

At NBES we appreciate you and are grateful for the responsibility of educating your child. We hope you enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday! Remember, we have early dismissal on Wednesday, November 22 at 12:20 pm, and there is no school on November 23-24. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! To visit our website click the PLAY button.

Greg Matheson

NBES Principal

Morning Arrival

School starts promptly at 8:37 am. Please have your child in class and ready for a fun filled day of learning! Late arrivals (8:45) need to sign in at the office and receive a tardy pass. Your child will be marked absent if they arrive after 9:15 am.

Attendance is important in keeping your little learner current and up to speed with the classwork and activities. Thank you for partnering for the success of your child!


Security Info

All visitors are required to check in the NBES school office immediately upon entering the building. You will be required to check in at the kiosk "Lobby Guard," in order to do so you will need you drivers license or state ID. Frequent visitors are welcome to purchase a Frequent Visitor Pass for $10.00. The pass is linked to your license, providing a quicker check in. All proceeds go directly toward our safety programs and measures.

Thank you for your cooperation!