NB Highlights November 2017 | Page 2

A Message from the Superintendent

Welcome to our November Bronco Academic E-Magazine. I want to take this opportunity to reflect and share with you some of the things as a school district we have to be thankful for as we enter into the Thanksgiving holiday. I generally consider myself a positive and hopeful person, but sometimes I need to be reminded of the many blessings I have experienced during my nearly 20 years with North Branch Area Schools.

1) I am thankful for our dedicated and caring teachers who continually go above and beyond in and out of the classroom to meet the needs of every single child in our district;

2) I am thankful for all of our support staff who do an amazing job of taking care of our students and assisting our teachers and administrators in providing an outstanding education for our children;

3) I am thankful to be working alongside a team of administrators who continually evaluate ways to improve the instructional programs and services for our students;

4) I am thankful for a Board of Education who is mindful of their fiscal responsibility while providing the best educational programs for our students;

5) I am thankful to be a part of a community of caring people who value and support a quality education for our children in the classroom and through extra-curricular activities.

As we look forward to spending time with family and friends during this Thanksgiving season, it is my sincere belief that this shared commitment to our children's education is what makes our school district and community a special place.

Best wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving!

James D. Fish, Superintendent

North Branch Area Schools

A message from your Superintendent