NB Highlights November 2017 | Page 10


As you may already be aware, NBE has adopted a new character education program called Core Essentials. This program is based on a monthly value that teaches our school community to:

 Treat other right

 Make smart decisions

 Maximize potential

Along with a monthly assembly and daily announcements, teachers have access to a number of resources that help compliment that particular value.

This month’s value is Gratitude.

Here are a few suggestions in which this theme can be promoted at home:

SAY IT: Gratitude is letting others know you see how they’ve helped you.


Ask a kid:

 When is the last time you thanked your parents for helping you with your homework, or for buying you sports equipment, or for taking you to a movie, etc.? Who are three people who have helped you? How could you could show them gratitude?

Ask a grown up:

 Who are some people who have helped you the most in your life? How have you shown them gratitude over the years? What are specific ways you have shown gratitude to people other than simply telling them thank you?

SEE IT: On YouTube! This video is about Pharrell Williams, a successful singer-songwriter and producer and how he shows his gratitude to his alma mater and former teachers. Even though he is a celebrity and travels all over the world, he still makes it a priority to travel back to his hometown and thank the people who helped him get to where he is today. Click the smiley sun to watch!

BE IT: Choose a day this month to visit your local police station or fire department and deliver a sweet treat, small gift or handmade thank you note to let those men and women know that you appreciate all they do to protect and serve your family and community.