NB Highlights January 2017 | Page 9

With the holiday break behind us, your child may be bringing homework back on a

consistent basis. Homework is intended to deepen knowledge and/or practice a

skill, strategy or process. As we know, homework brings occasional problems

related to the difficulty or compliance of students completing them. Here are few

suggestions on how to address the matter:

 *Getting Started - When your child gets home, he/she may want time to

relax for a little while or may he may want to jump in and work. Have them try

each method for a week and keep track of how it goes.

*Stay Motivated - Does your child appear restless when they are doing

their homework? Suggest that they take a planned break with a snack if

appropriate. This will hopefully give them a second wind.

*Solving Problems - Help your child make a list of

strategies they can use when they get stuck. For a math

assignment, this may include the use of a number line.

When reading, they may use context clues or pictures

that are imbedded within the story. If they are still stuck,

have them write down their question to ask their teacher

the following day.

Important Dates:

Jan. 9 - 31 STAR Testing Window - (Grades 2-4)

Jan. 20 End of 1st Semester

Jan. 27 Report Cards Sent Home

Jan. 30 NO SCHOOL - Professional Development Day

Feb. 3 Popcorn Friday