NBHS News and Events
The First Semester ends Monday, January 23rd.
The end of the first semester is fast approaching! Now is the time for students to focus, turn in assignments, finish make up work, and study for finals. We want to remind all students of the importance of finishing strong as the final grades from semister one will appear on each student's permanent academic record. We also know this can be a stressful time for many students and our counselors are eager to support NBHS students as they work hard to prepare for the end of the semester. Not only are the counselors available to help students manage the end of the semester stress, they are also working with students who have issues with their schedule for second semester. Students with semester two schedule problems whould make an appointment with their counselor or stop by during lunch or after school.
Natalee Rodriguez Counselor for students A-K 810-688-3564 EXT. 2165
Amy Hyrman Counselor for students L-Z 810-699-3564 EXT. 2110
Second Semester Schedules: Student schedules are based upon their credit requirements for graduation and the courses they selected in the spring. Every attempt is given to ensure students get their requested classes. In some cases, every elective cannot be scheduled and results in replacing an elective class with an alternate class chosen by the student. Sometimes an error can occur during the scheduling process. Students should let the counselors know immediately if their schedule is incorrect due to a repeated class, wrong level of class, missing core class, duplicate classes, or incomplete schedule.
Schedules for next school year: That time is upon us again! Counselors will be visiting classrooms during the first full week in February to go over course selections for next school year. It is very important that your student turn in the necessary paperwork quickly. Please call your designated counselor with questions in advance to help prepare your student for course selections.
Women in Science, Tech, Engineering, and Math Event: On February 3rd we will take twenty-five female students to the Regional Technology Center at Mott Community College from 9:30am-1:00pm. If your daughter is interested in learning more about STEM careers, please have her sign up for the field trip in the counseling office. Space is limited and seats are available to 9th-12th grade girls. There will be no cost to families, funding for the trip will come from the Reach High Grant.
Studying for the SAT: The class of 2018 will be taking the SAT on April 11th. Now is the time to begin studying if your student has not begun already. Please remember that students can link their College Board accounts to KHAN academy easily online. Results from their PSAT 10 testing will be available and open individualized study tools directly related to your students test results. Please look at the power point and video links by clicking here
Please note the HS does not have your student's login info. This is personal and not shared with school staff.