NAV EX 1st QTR 2018 NavEx 1st Qtr 2018 - Draft 7a | Page 30
Flight Club
Continued from page 29
PREVIOUS PAGE: Dr. Perni at Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, Ohio. The Air Force
Flight Surgeon School offers a nine-week course for flight surgeon certification,
the most extensive of any of the armed services.
ABOVE: Dr. Perni works on a sophisticated patient simulator as part of the
Critical Care Air Transport Team (CCATT).
RIGHT: The students in the flight surgeon program are exposed to all the
different flight suits the Air Force uses, Dr. Perni is shown wearing the U-2 flight
suit. While he is in the program he will also fly in almost every different aircraft
the Air Force flies, so he will be familiar with the physical demands the pilots
are going through.
from the historical functions of the auxiliary in boating safety
and education, but there have been times when members are
called upon to serve in ways that set a course into uncharted
waters. Meet Dr. Mark Perni, Branch Chief – serving in the
Auxiliary Health Services Division. As a medical professional
Dr. Perni, has served Air Station Clearwater for the past several
months offering his medical expertise to members of team
Coast Guard. Beginning 03 March 2018, he enters into a level
of service never before offered to the Auxiliary.