1831 Society
Mount Auburn ’ s endowment covers only a fraction of our expenses . Leadership donors , who comprise the 1831 Society , make it all possible . Without support from these dedicated individuals , the vision of Mount Auburn ’ s pioneering founders – a beautiful , natural setting that would provide comfort for the bereaved and inspiration for the public – could not be sustained . 1831 Society donors lead the way in keeping our cemetery , gardens , arboretum , and outdoor museum a beloved respite from hectic , modern life .
Thomas F . Aaron Mark S . & Carolyn C . Ain Robert & Kimberly Airasian Mary Lee T . & Peter C . Aldrich Michael & Eliza Anderson Anonymous ( 6 ) Taylor S . & Willa Chamberlain Bodman Virginia J . Brady & William F . Mann Levin H . & Eleanor L . Campbell The Rev . Alison Cutter Carmody Jane & Ernie Carroll Stewart B . & Patricia H . Chapin Rose M . Cole Charles A . & Lindsay Leard Coolidge Sally & Jim Crissman Alan K . & Isabelle DerKazarian Foundation Sukumar P . Desai Alan J . & Suzanne W . Dworsky Suzanne C . Ezekiel Peter & Karen Falb Jane Fogg Elizabeth Coxe & David Forney Liz Goodfellow Zagoroff Bill & Jeanie Graustein Robert J . Gustavson , Jr .