Plays in Place
Plays in Place specializes in creating site-specific plays in partnership with museums and historic sites . The company came about after the hugely successful sitespecific play Blood on the Snow was commissioned and produced by the Bostonian Society at the Old State House , written by Patrick Gabridge and directed by Courtney O ’ Connor . The pair continued their creative partnership with Plays in Place ’ s first production — Cato & Dolly , a 25-minute play about unheard voices in the John Hancock household , which played in 2018 at the Old State House and will return for an eight-week run this summer . Plays in Place is also producing two series of site-specific plays at Mount Auburn Cemetery in 2019 — The Nature Plays in June , and The America Plays in September . The goal of Plays in Place is to create professional productions of new plays that fully engage audiences with the people , places , and ideas at the hearts of the partner institutions .
For more info , visit playsinplace . org .