Nature/Outdoors | Page 28

Taegan Bard

Is it important to recycle?

For as long as I can remember everywhere I go, there is a huge push for recycling and there are always recycling bins. But, the world is already so polluted, how important is it really to continuously recycle, and how much of a difference can really be made? In today's society it is very trendy to be “environmentally friendly” but what does that really mean when it is so easy to pollute the planet? This topic really intrigues me because I am really worried for our planet and curious about the things people must do to protect the earth. I believe that there should be an even greater push for recycling, not necessarily because it will save the world, but because the earth gives us so much, it deserves respect.

Although the damage to the earth thus far is irreversible, recycling is a huge part of what keeps the earth clean, and preventing it from becoming more polluted, even faster. Recycling reduces pollution, and chemicals and greenhouse gases. It also keeps the physical surface of the earth clean. By recycling we are keeping the grass alive and bodies of water maintained. Recycling also reduces the use of natural resources which allows our forests to stay filled with trees and healthy. Recycling at this point, is keeping the earth safe to walk the streets and enables people to still breathe. With all the waste that is put out into the world it's important to do what we can to reduce that waste.

It is truly devastating to see the earth at the state that it is in, and terrifying to think that there is not much else we can do. Recycling is also much more complicated than people are lead to believe, it has to be done the right way or else everything has to get thrown away anyways. It needs to be clean, separated, and dealt with properly in order for it to be used. There can be no garbage inside! This may seem simple, but it makes recycling in public places really difficult and it does seem to be a waste. The thought of recycling is phenomenal and can really change the way that we live and the way that the earth feels for the rest of our lives, it limits waste that would just go into a landfill, and can be used to create new things.

Recycling in Europe is much more effective rather than here, due to the fact that they fine people who have too much trash, in order to hope that more people will continue to recycle, which decreases waste. I feel that without recycling, we would be living in waste in no time. Landfills are always opening and closing when they get too full, the land landfills sit on eventually are turned into sites for things to be built, but this takes roughly 30 years for it to be safe to build. With less waste, less landfills. Landfills can cause problems for water in the area, air pollution, health effects, and the quality of the soil. Lots of times homes are built on these sites and the home owners don't even know. Less trash means less landfills, which means a lot less pollution, which also means, a safer, cleaner planet.