Nature/Outdoors | Page 23

what New Hampshire thinks of the Northern Pass, the citizens have to speak of what they think about it. Through a poll ran at Exit 28 Pizza and Ski Fanatics, two local business located in Campton, NH, we have come to see what 200 individuals from New Hampshire think of the project. Respondents were asked two simple questions; “Do you believe that the Northern Pass should be allowed in New Hampshire?” and, “Why?” The first question was clear to be a yes or no, while the second question let us see why they believed their opinion. In the graph below, we see that 86% percent of respondents do not think that the Northern Pass should be allowed in New Hampshire.

When answering the why question, we saw a lot of similar answers. Major answers ranged from “It will hurt the natural beauty of the state,” to “the tourism in the state will drop,” to “my home and town will be affected.” There were different variations of these answers as well as more, but these were the most prominent. For those who responded yes, the largest response to the why question was “it will bring clean energy to New England.” While this is true, the energy from the Quebec Hydroelectric plant will predominantly be spread to Southern New England and not little will stay in New Hampshire (Northern Pass LFDA). The Northern Pass project and its coordinators at Eversource are clearly losing in terms of public opinion and support for their proposal.

Northern Pass in New Hampshire?

The Northern Pass Transmission Project proposal is an extensively unpopular application in New Hampshire. With citizens showing a clear disproval for Eversource’s willingness to destroy New Hampshire forestry and views, the company is in bad light with its consumers. Recent events in the legislative process from both New Hampshire and Massachusetts have caused hardship for Eversource. “The Northern Pass would effectively turn New Hampshire into a glorified extension cord” (Opposition to the Northern Pass Project). The proposal’s future is in jeopardy as New Hampshire residents continue their fight for maintaining tourism, views, and property value. The citizens of New Hampshire wish to see a solution to the lack of clean energy in the state, but the Northern Pass is not the answer.

“Opposition to the Northern Pass Project.” No to Northern Pass. No To Northern Pass, 2018,

Roantree, Suzanne. “Committee Considering Northern Pass Permit Tours Proposed Route.” WMUR, WMUR, 3 Oct. 2017,