Nature of April | Page 5

Stage 4 (Adult Butterfly) The last stage is, of course, the adult butterfly. When a butterfly emerges from a chrysalis, its wings are crumpled. The butterfly will hang with its branches down and begin pumping the wings full of fluids from its body to straighten them out. Then the butterfly must wait several hours for the wings to harden and dry before it can fly away. The lifespan of most adult butterflies is about 2-3 weeks, but this can vary significantly among species. Species that overwinter as adults (such as Monarchs) will live for many months (this is only true for the last generation of Monarchs migrating each summer).In their lifespan, the female adult butterflies must find a mate and the right plants on which to lay their eggs to begin the butterfly life cycle all over again.

Now that we know the life cycle of caterpillars and butterflies let's talk about how they affect our ecosystem. 

In general, caterpillars are beneficial insects. They become butterflies and moths, which are essential pollinators. Butterflies and caterpillars alike are food sources for other animals and people.

Butterflies play several roles in the ecosystem. They act as pollinators and food sources for other species, acting as an essential connector in a thriving ecosystem web. Without them, people will not enjoy chocolates, apples, coffee, and other foods that have become vital in our daily existence. Nearly 75 percent of the food crops worldwide depend on these pollinators. Therefore, their existence and health affect food production.