Nature New Hampshire Wildflower Magazine | Page 23

This has denied us our freedom to decide exactly what we would like to put in our body, but now we are independent and living away from home. We have the choice to go to the grocery store and spend the little money we have as college students, or even the money some receive from their parents, on food or we have the choice to eat at the dining hall, or any store downtown. Whatever the choice may be the point is it is 100% ours now as college students, as adults. Our choices here seem limited as for food appropriate for a vegan diet but helping to make the changes discussed in my writing above, smallest of changes make a change. Deciding to give the vegan station in Prospect Hall a try or even buying vegan labeled snacks and products here and there can make all the difference when we stick together and keep our goals in mind. Even though our college is not that large, and the select group that would actually begin making changes to their diet to replicate one of a vegan, any participation makes a difference. Considering the amount of animals one person consumes in a year, and how they would all still be alive if we avoided eating them, then considered a large group doing this diet, the amount of animals saved from slaughter would just continue to add up. Our goals of making the planet a better place are within reach if a great deal of our population, or even every college student that has considered a diet like this, practiced the smallest vegan habits.