Nature New Hampshire Wildflower Magazine | Page 19

to how little I felt in the comfort of my own bedroom always amazed me. It was like as if my bedroom was really the forest and the moss my bed and a little stump was my night stand. To be among the natural world, accepting my place as one of its creatures, I found my senses reborn to the stimuli of the fungi, the feel of the surreal and the sound of the profound.

I know who I am today because of that unexpected urge to go for a simple walk in the woods. The switch just turned on and made me look at the world differently. Today I continue to frequent the woods and I am very grateful to have New Hampshire as my home state, so vast with its beautiful land marks and forests. Because of that experience, every day I find something new about this wonderful state that makes me want to explore it even more. I never imagined that’s how I would look at the world. The curiosity never ends. I am grateful for everything that I went through to bring me to this point in life. It’s never easy but that’s what makes life exciting and keeps you on the edge for your seat. I look forward to seeing where the trees take me next because even though I don’t particularly know where it leads, my mind is open to receive the natural world as a part of my adventure in life.