Education and Outreach : Efforts to promote the use of nature-based solutions and educate property owners of their benefits will be critical to their overall success . Acceptance of these practices from residents before , during , and after implementation of projects is critical . Interacting with residents , regimes , and neighborhood groups was mentioned as a necessary step to pursue projects . Providing materials , resources , and incentives about these projects would help to inform and gain acceptance of nature-based solutions with residents and property managers .
Regulatory Controls : A considerable portion of properties on Kiawah Island are located adjacent to wetlands and open water that is subject to regulatory control by federal and state government agencies . Understanding these controls and the processes involved with permitting will help facilitate the implementation of projects . This includes detailing changes to permitting requirements and processes as it applies to these areas , as needed .
Following the interview process , the project team developed a comprehensive list of nature-based solutions for consideration on Kiawah Island . The list was incorporated into a document which included detailed information and illustrations similar to the content provided under the practices section within this report . The list of alternatives was shared with each of the stakeholder representatives interviewed and to receive additional feedback for consideration . The list was concurrently shared with scientists and experts within the region to corroborate the information within the document and provide technical feedback on the content .
Once stakeholder and expert feedback was incorporated into the document , the project team convened a joint meeting with the stakeholder representatives . This meeting consisted of an informative session on current environmental conditions and a deliberative session to discuss each proposed alternative practice to incorporate into the practices catalog . Feedback was subsequently incorporated into the illustrations and details of each outlined practice to reflect the consensus built within the discussions on nature-based solutions to enhance resilience .
As a product from this project , a suite of nature-based solutions is provided herein to facilitate the development of solutions with co-benefits to our natural and built environment . These alternatives , which look beyond the use of traditional gray-infrastructure and stormwater conveyance practices , establish a set of tools within our community ’ s adaptive toolbox and forward our ability to enhance our resilience outcomes .
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