Selection of the appropriate green infrastructure techniques are highly site specific . It is also important to note that uncertainty to some degree will occur throughout the maturation of these solutions following installation because they are natured-based solutions deployed in a constantly changing environment . Observations of factors include property boundaries , geomorphic characteristics , vegetation characteristics , hydrologic characteristics , and human influences . Taking into consideration these site characteristics will help to determine which type of solution will be best suited for a given site . These site attributes must be considered when working with certified contractors and homeowners who are constructing living shorelines ( SCDNR , 2019 ).
Important site attributes to consider prior to installing a living shoreline are as follows :
›››› Site boundaries
›››› Existing regulations
›››› Site access
›››› Environmental ‘ energy ’ level
›››› Shoreline bank slope and width
›››› Sediment firmness and composition
›››› Escarpment
›››› Vegetation characteristics
›››› Oyster Survival
Site Boundaries : Being aware of legal property boundaries in the vicinity of potential living shoreline sites will prevent intruding on adjacent intertidal areas or neighboring properties . Identify and take into account existing erosion control structures ( i . e ., bulkheads or revetments ) so that they do not interfere with the living shoreline design and implementation .
Regulatory Considerations : Local , State , and Federal regulatory controls must be taken into consideration before implementing a project . SCDHEC-OCRM and USACE are government agencies which enforce regulations on alterations or interactions within tidally influenced wetlands within the coastal region of South Carolina . Additionally , the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources [ SCDNR ] requires the use of oyster shells which have been subjected to a 6-month treatment process before being used in oyster reef restoration projects . SCDNR ’ s SCORE program uses recycled and treated oyster shells in their restoration projects .
Site Access : Planning out access to the site will accommodate for the transportation of supplies and equipment to the installation site . At sites where marsh is present , access from the water is preferred to avoid disturbing conditions within the existing marsh . Furthermore , site access is important to take into consideration for purposes of monitoring the progress of restoration projects required through federally funded projects .
FALL 2022