Nature-Based Solutions Manual for Kiawah Island Nature-Based Solutions Catalogue (R 1_2023) | Page 115

1 . Adger , W . N . ( 2000 ). Social and ecological resilience : are they related ?. Progress in human geography , 24 ( 3 ), 347-364 .
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3 . Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay ( no date ). Rain Gardens . Webpage .
4 . American Society of Civil Engineers ( ASCE ). 2015 . Permeable Pavements . Reston , VA : ASCE Permeable Pavement Task Committee . http :// www . asce . org / templates / publications-book-detail . aspx ? id = 15418
5 . Arkema , K . K ., G . Guannel , G . Verutes , S . A . Wood , A . Guerry , M . Ruckelshaus , P . Kareiva , M . Lacayo , and J . M . Silver ( 2013 ) Coastal habitats shield people and property from sea-level rise and storms . Nature Climate Change , published online July 14 , 2013 .
6 . ASTM . 2015 . " D1557-12e1 Standard test methods for laboratory compaction characteristics of soil using modified effort ( 56,000 ft-lbf / ft3 ( 2,700 kN-m / m3 ))." ASTM .
7 . ASTM . 2017 . " D448-12 Standard classification for sizes of aggregate for road and bridge construction ." ASTM .
8 . Baalousha , M ., McNeal , S ., & Scott , G . I . ( 2019 ). – An Assessment of Nonpoint Source Pollution in Stormwater Pond Systems in Coastal South Carolina . Stormwater Ponds in Coastal South Carolina , 41 .
9 . Bailey , H ., & Secor , D . H . ( 2016 ). Coastal evacuations by fish during extreme weather events . Scientific reports , 6 ( 1 ), 1-9 .
10 . Baker-Austin , C ., McArthur , J . V ., Tuckfield , R . C ., Najarro , M ., Lindell , A . H ., Gooch , J ., & Stepanauskas , R . ( 2008 ). Antibiotic resistance in the shellfish pathogen Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolated from the coastal water and sediment of Georgia and South Carolina , USA . Journal of food protection , 71 ( 12 ), 2552-2558 .
11 . Baker-Austin , C ., Trinanes , J . A ., Taylor , N . G ., Hartnell , R ., Siitonen , A ., & Martinez-Urtaza , J . ( 2013 ). Emerging Vibrio risk at high latitudes in response to ocean warming . Nature Climate Change , 3 ( 1 ), 73-77 .
12 . Barbier , E . B . ( 2013 ). Valuing ecosystem services for coastal wetland protection and restoration : Progress and challenges . Resources , 2 ( 3 ), 213-230 .
13 . Barbier , E . B . et al . The value of estuarine and coastal ecosystem services . Ecol . Monogr . 81 , 169 – 193 ( 2011 ).
14 . Barbier , E . B ., Georgiou , I . Y ., Enchelmeyer , B ., & Reed , D . J . ( 2013 ). The value of wetlands in protecting southeast Louisiana from hurricane storm surges . PloS one , 8 ( 3 ), e58715 .
15 . Barbier , E . B ., Georgiou , I . Y ., Enchelmeyer , B ., & Reed , D . J . ( 2013 ). The value of wetlands in protecting southeast Louisiana from hurricane storm surges . PloS one , 8 ( 3 ), e58715 .
16 . Barlow , P . M ., Ahlfeld , D . P ., & Dickerman , D . C . ( 2003 ). Conjunctive-management models for sustained yield of stream-aquifer systems . Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management , 129 ( 1 ), 35-48 .
17 . Bean , E ., Clark , M ., & Barbra , C . ( 2019 ). Permeable pavement systems : technical considerations . UF IFAS EDIS . AE530 . 18 . Bean , E ., Clark , M ., & Larson , B . ( 2019 ). Permeable Pavement Systems : Technical Considerations . EDIS , 2019 ( 2 ).
19 . Berghage , Robert ( no date ). Raingarden , Bioswale & Infiltration Garden Design : Design , Construction , and Maintenance . Pennsylvania State University .
20 . Berkes , F ., & Folke , C . ( 1998 ). Linking social and ecological systems for resilience and sustainability . Linking social and ecological systems : management practices and social mechanisms for building resilience , 1 ( 4 ), 4 .
21 . Berkowitz , J . F ., Piercy , C . D ., & Welp , T . L . ( 2017 ). Thin Layer Placement : State of the Science . Retrieved from : RSM Interagency Workshop , Jacksonville , FL April 11-12 2017 .
22 . Bernhardt , J . R ., & Leslie , H . M . ( 2013 ). Resilience to climate change in coastal marine ecosystems . Annual review of marine science , 5 , 371-392 .
23 . Blankespoor , B ., Dasgupta , S ., & Laplante , B . ( 2014 ). Sea-level rise and coastal wetlands . Ambio , 43 ( 8 ), 996-1005 .
24 . Bundrick , M . L . ( 2019 ). Coastal Residents ' Perspectives on Environmental Health Risk Factors : Analysis Using Cultural Theory and Deliberative Discussion . Master Thesis , College of Charleston .
25 . Bundrick , M . L ., & Nowlin , M . C . ( 2020 ). Place , Values , and Public Opinion About Climate Change in South Carolina . Journal of Political Science , 48 .
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