High-pressure applications create a well-mixed sediment slurry that allows for a more uniform topography and distribution of sediment ( Schafer , 2002 ). It also increases the distribution area of sediments . Low pressure applications reach up to 75 feet and high-pressure applications reach up to 250 feet . Both application techniques typically involve using dredging barges to distribute the sediments and a borrow area to provide a resource for the sediments . Plants in the marsh can survive an application of 5-15 cm of sediment , with most recovering within two years of application through reseeding and underlying root growth .
Plants within the marsh are often flattened during the spray application of sediment . Generally , most of these plants recover within a year with a significant increase in plant coverage ( Ford et al ., 1999 ). An application of 23 cm of sediment typically resulted in recovery albeit being overburdened , while 60 cm resulted in no recovery ( Reimold et al ., 1978 ).
Figure 46 . Thin Layer Placement using nearby dredged materials ( U . S . Army Corps of Engineers , Environmental Laboratory , Engineer Research and Development Center )
FALL 2022