Naturally Unnatural Issue #8 17th June 2017 | Page 3

Issue #8 17th June 2017 Grenfell Tower fire: A political discussion is necessary By Matthew Clifton Grenfell Tower fire was a horrific inci- dent and so far, there are lots of reports and figures flying about. But with in- vestigations still ongoing, it is wise to keep an open mind regarding what happened that night. Irrespective of the results of the investigations, there are a serious number of questions raised from the incident. There have been 17 confirmed deaths with consid- erable rise in the death toll expected. bishment of the building where it was covered in aluminium panels and the firm have since claimed that the refurbish- ments met fire safety standards. Howev- er, residents have claimed that the alu- minium cladding contributed to the speed that the fire consumed the building Firstly, what caused the fire? To be ex- in. The refurbishments have also been pected the exact cause is unknown but there are reports that it was an exploding met with derision by those within the fridge on the fourth floor, whether this is community, with Grime artist, poet and true or not being yet to be confirmed. But political campaigner, Akala, saying the refurb was purely for aesthetic reasons what we do know is that there were is- for the nearby highly affluent areas. It has sues raised about fire safety by the resi- dent’s years ago. Why were their voices also emerged that the cladding used has not heard? Gavin Barwell, who was hous- links to fires of buildings in the UAE, France and Australia. ing minister, sat on a report about fire safety and ignored the suggestions within The Conservative government’s the report. measures over the last 7 years with cuts There are a lot of people saying that ‘political cheap shots’ are unnecessary. However, incidents that could have been avoided through government actions that lead to the loss of life, is not cheap. Plus, that role of housing minister had a high turnover of MPs as minister, which means there would be no coherent plan as priorities change minister to minister. This is another story of the Conservatives acting against the civil service rather than with them. There was also a housing bill that was stopped by 72 MPs from passing through parliament, the bill in question was a regulation of living standards, meaning rental property had to fit for hu- man habitation. Recently, there was a £8.6million refur- and austerity have contributed to the deaths. Their cuts have deeply affected the organisations and local authorities that would have made it easier to prevent an incident such as this. With 17 deaths confirmed by the police so far, with more expected there is direct consequences to the government’s actions and inaction. There have also been reports circling social media, from those who work within the London Fire Brigade that the death toll is close to 150, with a significant por- tion being children. 3 People who survived the fire say that they never heard the fire alarms and some even said that the first sounds they heard, were the fire services. There were no sprinklers in the building and the appar- ent fire proofed bathrooms, were lacking in fire proofing. The building hadn’t been kept to the required standards and the buildings safety standards were still rem- iniscent of the 1970s. People have even claimed that it was started on purpose by the government to sell off to private de- velopers. The claim itself is unlikely but it highlights that people are sick of the cur- rent political class in power. The blame can be placed firmly on the government and the local authorities, they didn’t react and do what is neces- sary. There are also accusations of gentri- fication of the area, plans to force those less well-off out of the area and sell the land to develop housing for wealthier people. Either way, the latest estimates suggest that sprinklers and improved fire alarms would’ve cost approximately be- tween £100,000 to £300,000. The compa- ny who refurbished the exterior made £4.4 million in profit. Any complaints at political cheap shots is misguided. This is the consequence of political actions and inaction, to say otherwise is burying your head in the sand. These are not cheap shots because the value of the lives of other people is not cheap.