Naturally Unnatural Issue #7 6th June 2017 | Page 10

Issue #7, 6th June 2017 Labour plan to allow the government to control railways, water companies and the Workers’ rights They plan to make sure the pension age postal service instead of private compa- isn’t raised any further, allow under-21s nies and make sure that every region in Labour plan to give all workers equal claim housing benefit and ensure that all 2 the UK has a publicly-owned energy com- rights, that includes temporary and part- -year olds are entitled to 30 hours of free pany. time workers, ban unpaid internships and childcare. make sure that public sector bosses can- These plans along with the National In- not earn 20 times more than what the low- The pension age currently means that vestment Bank, will require borrowing est worker is paid. people are retiring very late and often using government bonds. But this borrow- have very little to show for it and this ing will provide vital infrastructure up- There is a lot of public sector waste on means they often have very little time left grades that the UK desperately needs and management when it comes to funds, with to enjoy their retirement. Allowing hous- publicly accountable services. After the bosses often earning more than 20 times ing benefits for those under-21 decreases success of Robin Hood Energy in Notting- the average worker. Funds that could eas- chances those worse of could be left ham, which is owned by Nottingham coun- ily go to training more staff that are need- homeless later in life. Free childcare is cil, UK energy services are currently dom- ed, whether it is nurses, community offic- needed for a world where it is often that inated by the Big 6 which keeps prices ers etc. it could be better spent. Unpaid both parents work, and with costs often relatively high and forces competition to internships are absurd because they often taking a fair chunk of a family’s income, it the fringes. The railways are currently require the individual to carry out tasks can lead to that family being worse off and being subsidised by the government but senior members would so for no money. effects those on a low income more than the profits are going to the private compa- The attitude ‘oh it will look good on your others. nies, might as well renationalise them as CV’ has gotten out of control. the public are paying for them anyway. ...continued from page 9 Welfare and benefits Renationalisation 10