Naturally Kiawah Magazine Volume 37 | Page 14

Exploring a Kiawah Morning

By Frances Boyd

Before every morning , there is a “ dawn ”— the brief time that is neither day nor darkness , between the night and the sunrise . While the word dawn is an Old English word , all ancient cultures had a goddess of dawn , although the names differed . In Greek and Roman mythology , the goddess of the dawn was Aurora . And why not honor the dawn , a time before a new day begins , a subtle prelude to the rising sun , a symbol of hope breaking through the darkness ?

A fortunate group of people on Kiawah witness the dawn on a regular basis , either because they want to get up early to walk , ride , or run on the beach , or they work on the golf courses and must start the day early to make the most of the sunlight before the golfers tee off . In addition , from May through August , turtle