Naturally Kiawah Magazine Volume 37 | Page 10


Following researchers on South Carolina ’ s North Inlet

Story and photographs by Shauneen Hutchinson

In March 2016 , the Post & Courier featured a report called “ Every Other Breath ” on the front page of a Sunday edition and devoted almost seven pages to the fascinating story of plankton — the tiny plant and animal organisms floating in the Earth ’ s water . The report is available as an eBook from Amazon . With the cooperation of its author , Tony Bartelme , Christian Sardet , a French author and researcher , Dennis Allen , resident director of the Baruch Marine Field Lab , and photographer Wade Spees , as well as the newspaper , we included an excerpt from the article in the Summer / Fall 2016 issue of Naturally Kiawah . This past September we had an opportunity to visit Dennis Allen at the Belle W . Baruch Institute for Marine and Coastal Sciences in Georgetown for a closer look at research that has been underway for over 35 years .