Eastern countries have experienced the beauty of natural remedies for many
years and they have actually treated a lot of skin problems. The minimum side
effects, the low cost and the high effectivity of these treatments are the main
reasons why people always want to know about them. MedS Aid group wants
to publish this book for all the people who love to get to know and use natural
This publication about natural home remedies contains more than 20 natural
treatments for different kinds of skin problems. 'NATURAL REMEDIES for a
healthy skin' booklet consist of 10 facial packs which you can make at home
and they are written by well experienced Srilankan beautician P.R.R.Fernando
(Higher Dip. in beauty theory) and it contains a lot of information about
natural ingredients which are used in herbal medicine. Further it contains
treatments for oily skin, dry skin, acne, blackheads, wrinkles and many more.
All of these treatments will be with natural products and very easily can be
made at home. Not only the main treatment but it contains the whole
treatment plan. All the ingredients in this book will be revised by MedS Aid
group, and the booklet itself will contain the information about the medical
value of each and every ingredient so that you can get more knowledge about
the treatments.
Treatment always should be not only superficial but systemic. Therefore the
dietary plans things which you should eat and which you should not during the
treatment also will be included so that you may receive the 100% effective
results from these remedies.
We hope that this booklet will give you the awaited information about