Natural Muscle November 2016 Celebrating 21 Years This Month! | Page 50

TRAINING more Is not better BETTER IS BETTER Skip La Cour, six-time national champion bodybuilder M any bodybuilders mistakenly believe that the more time and effort they put into their training during each workout, the better results they will experience. They pride themselves on pushing themselves through grueling, marathon workouts that are loaded with lots of exercises and sets. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Unfortunately, that is not how the muscle-building process works. This is somewhat of a difficult concept to grasp because it’s not how 50 Natural Muscle Magazine most things work in life. Most of the time, the amount of effort you put into a particular endeavor directly correlates to your results. In other words, the more time and effort you invest, the better the results you’ll get. However, this is not true when it comes to packing-on muscle and developing your physique. There is an expression that says that one man’s set is equal to another man’s workout. Don’t confuse training volume with training effectiveness. They are not the same. You may need to cut down the time you spend in the gym and reduce your training volume to experience the muscle gains you’re after. You can do this by becoming more efficient in the gym. Your weight training sessions should last no longer than one hour. And you know what? I’m being extremely liberal with that amount of time. Regardless of how you try to rationalize it, longer training sessions are NOT more productive. You must force yourself to become just as effective in a shorter period of time by becoming more efficient. Stimulating the muscles can be done quite effectively in one hour or less. It is a fact that the more time you spend in the gym, the more your concentration and focus will wane. The more your mental focus and concentration diminish the less effective you will become physically. Planning to do only two or three sets with only three or four exercises per body part creates that sense of urgency you need. Many lifters give themselves four and five sets of a particular exercise to get the job done. If you give yourself four or five chances to do anything, undoubtedly there will be less importance, less of a demand, or less of a sense of urgency to give as much effort as you really can during the first couple of sets. It is only human nature for us to think that way under those conditions. In order for us to perform at our highest level of performance, we must change those less-than-ideal mental conditions. Anything less than 100 percent effort during a set is a wasted set. I can’t tell you exactly how many sets you should use to train each of your body parts effectively—and neither can anyone else. It all depends on that ever-evolving, ever-changing, constantly re-defining level of intensity. However, you should just remember that more isn’t better. Better is better. November 2016 Could Make Building Their Bodies Easier Many bodybuilders want to believe that anyone who has a great physique must be taking steroids or illegal drugs. This is oftentimes a gigantic distraction for Take Action and Do This NOW! These determined individuals work each body part as many as three times a week with the hopes that this kind of superhuman effort will produce the massive results in a shorter period of time. Most people who are committed to their training programs have the tendency to train too much. Their enthusiasm and desire to build their physiques makes them want to train as often as they possibly can. Some Bodybuilders Spend Too Much Energy Thinking About How Steroids and OtheDrugs Celebrating 21 Years! them. It’s almost as if they WANT to believe this is true! Why? Choosing to believe that everyone with an awesome body takes drugs makes them feel better about their own shortcomings. It gives them an excuse. It takes the pressure off themselves to find the strategies, find the combination of strategies, or do the work necessary to do a better job of building their own physiques without drugs. Seek and you shall find. If you want to focus on all the people who have an easier time than you because they are taking drugs to assist them—you will find them. At the same time, if you look for people who have successfully built their great bodies without drugs—you will find them too. Trust me; those positive examples are out there. Most people who train in the gym do not want to do “whatever it takes” to have an outstanding physique if that means using steroids or other drugs. If that’s you, great! But do yourself a gigantic favor and don’t stop there. Take Action and Do this NOW! Ask more out of yourself than to “not use drugs.” Think about it for second. How hard is that? Demand yourself to create an awesome physique--and do so on your own terms. Don’t waste your time talking or thinking about how much easier of a time people who use drugs to assist them with their development have than you do. Drugs or no drugs, you can look much better than you do right now if you applied yourself and did the things you ALREADY know you should do, right? Better training, better eating, more consistency, and more time doing all those things properly will make you better. You need to focus on doing those things. Those people who may or may not be taking steroids aren't stopping you from getting to the gym; training hard once you are there, and eating all of your meals everyday, are they? Then stop using them as a distraction and as an excuse NOW-and get the job done!