Natural Muscle November 2016 Celebrating 21 Years This Month! | Page 42

MOTIVATION Time is Relevant, OR IS IT? Have time, to talk about time? Or, is right now, not good timing? Y ou’ve heard all the cliches: Everyone has the same amount of time. Time is relevant. Time waits for no man (nor woman). If I could save time in a bottle. One must make time for what is important. There’s no time like the present. Time flies when you’re having fun. By SJ McShane Enough of those, we don’t have enough time to list them all. But now, with the NEW YEAR upon the right time to talk about using your time wisely. Keep reading, trust me, this will be worth your time. First of all, let’s quickly finish off a debate. Some fuzzy-headed philosophers say there is no such thing as time -- that it’s just a creation of man’s mind as a way to keep order in the universe. Well, that’s nuts. How can I prove it? Well, just try being an hour late to pick up your wife or girlfriend.. and you will KNOW there is such a thing as time. And you will be reminded of it, for what seems like, a very long time! Got it? Good! My fitness family knows this past year was a very busy one at GoFitness. And with the economy the way it was, you won’t catch me whining about being swamped. In fact, I feel very blessed. What is a good investment these days? Your health. Finding the time, no MAKING the time to invest in your health. It’s an investment that always yields high returns. Let’s not waste time: here is my core belief about time! We can’t change the past, but, we can make a future. So many self-help books have been written for people dealing with their past. And while I’m not discounting how the past can haunt a person, I know from experience, that dwelling there and staying in that place is not healthy. A person can ask, endlessly, why this or that happened way back when. And most times, there is no answer. Let’s say your parents were not health-minded. They let you sit in front of the TV and eat Captain Crunch cereal with whole milk, most of your childhood. And they fed you cheeseburgers and ice cream at night. And now, sure enough, you’re 50 pounds overweight -- just like your parents are. Did your past effect your present? Sure it did! Are you going to allow it to continue in 2017? That’s up to you! Oodles of books have been written on time management, but here’s all you need to know: Prioritize and realize that NOT every good project is good for you! Invest your time wisely. 42 Natural Muscle Magazine November 2016 Celebrating 21 Years! a little VITAMIN By Gina Ostarly G