Natural Muscle November 2016 Celebrating 21 Years This Month! | Page 18

TRAINING They say it takes 21 days to change a habit, or to create a habit or to drop a habit … I don’t know if I completely believe that. I think it just simply takes as long as it takes. D ave Laus photo 5 week HABIT OVERHAUL By Kyla Gagnon Why remove Sugar? T hey say it takes 21 days to change a habit, or to create a habit or to drop a habit…I don’t know if I completely believe that. I think it just simply takes as long as it takes. Some people may grasp the changes quicker than others while others may need a bit more time to feel normalcy with the change. I work in the health and wellness industry and it can be one of the most challenging places to make / break habits. When a health kick is started it often comes with a list of new habits to add in and a list of habits to kick, and with the excitement of the new “kick” the individual wants it all NOW and tries to do everything all at once….. and this leads 10/10 to failure. WEEK 1 HABIT CHANGE: Move your body 30 minutes a day 3 days a week, minimum. WEEK 2 HABIT CHANGE: Increase your water consumption by 1 full litre. WEEK 3 HABIT CHANGE: G o to bed 1 hour earlier and add your “essential Rituals” to your morning (Essential Ritual warm water with fresh squeezed lemon and tumeric, fish oil, magnesium and Vitamin D) WEEK 4 HABIT CHANGE: Remove SUG AR and add 1 more day of exercise Nobody can do everything all at once, we are human, and good things take time and work. I have come up with a 5 week laid back realistic approach to implementing / changing your wellness habits. 18 Natural Muscle Magazine WEEK 5 HABIT CHANGE: Increase water to 3 litres a day and remove dairy ( as much as you can) November 2016 Celebrating 21 Years! Sugar is potentially the most lethal toxin we have in our world right now. D ramatic? Maybe, but it is considered drug and will and does kill far too many North Americans. THAT is why we cut sugar. It has zero place in your health and wellness journey. Why remove Dairy? Dairy is an inflammatory. Inflammation is the root cause of all disease. Pretty simple. Here’s to your habit development and your health!