Natural Muscle November 2016 Celebrating 21 Years This Month! | Page 15

Nutrition Strategies
If you have been eating for your goals then continue to do that throughout the season . If you prepare meals ahead of time for the week , do that , but also allow for the meals where you will be at a party of a family gathering and will not be preparing your meal ahead of time . Keep in mind that if you are eating 4-6 meals a day already , then any party or gathering you attend will only account for one or two of those meals for the day .
Smaller , More Frequent Meals
Stick to eating smaller meals throughout the day each day . 5 -6 smaller meals will keep the body supplied with both energy and nutrients and also stem off hunger cravings which often lead to overeating .
Watch for hidden Calories in Your Drinks
D rink plenty of water . Not only will this keep you hydrated , as it should every other day of the year , but this is also a way to cut down on drinking excess calories . Sugar laden drinks like soda and even sports drinks can add extra calories in a hurry . I , for one , would rather enjoy those calories in the form of tasty foods rather than mindless drinking them in a soda or iced tea . While you may enjoy iced tea or some other drink at a party , go ahead and do that . The point here is to be aware of excess calories that may appear in your drinks .
Make Adjustments
Adjust your portion sizes slightly at other meals on the days you will be attending parties or holiday dinners . D o not starve yourself or skip other meals so you can eat more at the party . Stick to your plan of eating your other meals ; just adjust slightly the portions of those meals . Your body still needs fuel and so feed it regularly .
Find a Balance
At a party , choose your foods wisely . Often times , one can find healthy and tasty choices . When it comes to appetizers and snacks , look for a veggie tray or some nuts to take in some protein and healthy fats . Salads are also healthy parts of a meal – just go easy on the salad dressings . This is an easy way to balance some great and delicious entrees and desserts with some healthier options so that you can enjoy yourself and still stay on track with your goals .
That is not the point here . There is no need to put yourself through this . If you consider what you will eat at a party as one or even two meals while you are there , then just like any other meal it should be comprised of a mix of carbohydrates , proteins , and fats . Finding a balance and mix of foods will serve this purpose and add variety to your meals . That is all . Forget the rationalizing and self-bargaining trap that many people fall into when trying to justify foods . Food is food . Eat it . Enjoy it . Move on .
Stick to Your Meals
Eat a meal before you go to the party . Not a huge meal , but one of your regularly scheduled meals . This will serve to keep you from starving and wanting to devour everything you see as soon as you arrive .
Portion control is key . Enjoy the meal without the guilt . Having a delicious and tasty meal is ok . Pay attention to your portion sizes and don ’ t overdo it .
If you want some accountability and guidance through the holiday season check out my online coaching site www . naturalprofitnesscoaching . com and let ’ s work closely together to keep you on track and moving forward throughout the remainder of this year . I will be offering some coaching programs to help navigate the holidays and get a jump on the new year !
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