Natural Lands - The Magazine of Natural Lands Fall/Winter 2019, Issue 155 | Page 5

NAT U R AL LAND S . FALL/W INT E R 20 1 9 3 green wins awards. indiscriminate predator. Gardeners have long appreciated the pest-control benefits of the Carolina praying mantis, which sits patiently on plants wait- ing for its next meal. However, the native species Stagmomantis carolina is in decline due to competition and predation by their non-native cousins, the Chinese and European mantids. As its name implies, the Chinese mantis is native to Asia and was accidentally introduced to North America at a nursery in Mt. Airy, PA. The insect is twice the size of the native Carolina mantis and is an indiscriminate predator. It feeds on everything from pests to beneficial bugs like Monarch butterflies, bees, small reptiles and amphibians, native praying mantids, and even hummingbirds! Though smaller than the Asian species, European mantids are just as damaging to the ecology. They were introduced to the U.S. decades ago as a means of controlling another invasive bug, the gypsy moth caterpillar. All three species can vary in color from brown to green, mak- ing it difficult to distinguish them from one another. Learn more and see photos at W Congratulations to Warrington Township, Bucks County, which received the 2019 Green Park Award from the PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resourc- es and the PA Recreation and Parks Society. The park system offers residents unique opportunities to engage with nature, including bird blinds to view the more than 250 species of migrating birds that pass through the area, a pollinator area with educational signage, and equestri- an riding facilities for children with special needs. One of the township parks was once a former missile base and has been transformed into a natural oasis. Natural Lands has helped War- rington Township with its land pres- ervation efforts through land use and parks and recreation planning, ordinance support, trails, and acquiring grant funds for open space acquisition. The Township is one of more than 150 municipal- ities that have utilized Natural Lands’ profes- sional planning services, which promote the goals of saving land, caring for nature, and con- necting people to the outdoors. W