Natural Lands - The Magazine of Natural Lands Fall/Winter 2019, Issue 155 | Page 37

NAT U R AL LAND S Linda Thompson Coulston Valentina and Cristian deRitis Antelo Devereux* Sandra S. Drayer W. Joseph Duckworth Estate of Richard W. Elberson William L. Elkins Barbara A. Elliot, PhD Robert E. Fenza Arlene Flick Estate of E. Jane Galloway Philip S. Getty Eugene Gladston Estate of Frances W. Goldman Stanley E. Goodman* Estate of Joseph J. Greco Dr. Bernard R. and Mrs Doris B. Greenberg Estate of Ruth L. Hardin Ann C. Hausmann Peter O. Hausmann Robert Hawkes* Estate of Donald B. Hawthorne Maurice Heckscher, Esq.* William M. Hollenback, Jr.* Estate of Paul A. James Geoffrey (Tockh-wockh) Kaiser Estate of Crawford Keating Wm M. Keyser Adell Kochubka Dr. Evelyn S. Kritchevsky* David M. Lauer Elizabeth* and Stephen* Lawrence John W. and Gretchen S. Lea Len-Hoping Forest Trust Kathleen and Walter Lenard Elsa Lichtenberg* Mrs. Clifton H. Lisle* Jean and Jim* Macaleer Marlou MacIver Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Mack Estate of Helen T. Madeira Diane M. Maguire Polly Jenkins Man Martina M. Martin, M.D. Ms. Dale L. McCarter Eileen McDonnell* Robert W. McDonnell Patricia McElreavey Ann and Ted McKenzie Thomas E. McParland Janet H. Meisenhelder* Kathleen and Glenn Meyer Marjorie L. Miller Martha S. Miller* Rusty S. Miller, Jr.* and J. Kenneth Nimblett Edward A. Montgomery Estate of Robert L. Montgomery Elizabeth R. Moran Molly K. Morrison Mr. and Mrs. Hugh G. Moulton Virginia Musser Katharine Okie Nancy J. Ondra Monika and Tim Panger Keith McK. Pension Jane G. Pepper Zoë Perkins Estate of Nancy L. Petersen Stephanie J. Wicks and Robert A. Portnoy Rene R. Pugh Iona P. Reiver* Unitrust Patricia and Charles Robertson James L. Rosenthal Julius Rosenwald, II* Trust Estate of W. Grier Saunders Eileen and Bob Schmidt Mary Ellen and Bob Scott Joanne L. Shipe Reverend* and Mrs. Robert* R. Smyrl Diane and Dale Snyder Edward L. Stanley* I. Tatnall Starr* Suzanne Victoria Stepanek Henderson Supplee,III Sara F. Swanson Dr. Joseph E. Sweeney Anne H. Swigart John A. Terrill, II Edna M. Thompson* Unitrust Alisa G. Oswalt and Jon T. Townsend Lily Dulles Van Pelt* Douglas C. Walker* Christopher H. Washburn William Y. Webb Mary Anne Webster Martin G.H. Wells Kirsten L. Werner Margaret and Tom Whitford George C. Wiedersum* Marlise Wise* Tina and Ken Witek Beulah Wood* Teresa M. and Kenneth G. Wood volunteers The following have shared their time, talents, and expertise to advance the mission of Natural Lands. Jacqueline Aberi Julie Ackerman Julie Akers Laura Allen Dottie Allison φ AmeriCorps James and Lisa Andrews φ Alice Androkites φ Anonymous Virginia Apostolacus φ William Apostolacus, III Russel Applegate φ Michael Arters Patti Bachman φ Daniel Baer φ Ann Baines Claire Ballantyne φ Christopher Barber φ Jessica Barber φ Audrey Barbiere John Barbis φ Elyse Barker Mary Jean Barker Jane Barker-Hunt φ Force of Nature® volunteers dedicate themselves to long-term service by completing an in-depth training program with Natural Lands staff * deceased Robert Bartlow Mark and Wendy Bastian Scott Beadenkopf φ John Beaumont φ Audrey Beckman Patti Behler Ted Bell Anna Bentley φ Megan Bergauff φ Robbyn Bhatt Emily Bjorhus φ Garrett Bland Michael Bolton φ Joanne Bosco φ Adrienne Boyance φ Douglas Boyer φ Brendan Bradley Pauline Brandt φ Dave Breder Patricia Brokaw Dee Brooke Colin Brophy Grace Brown Anna Bunting Alex Burchman Maureen Burris Doug Burton Donna Bushey φ Ryan Byrne φ Sheila Byrne Marco Calderon Julia Calhoun Lia Calhoun John Callaghan φ Lyn Caltabiano Marlene Campbell φ Christopher Cantwell φ Pete Carter Deborah Cascarino φ David Cassel φ Dawn Cassel φ Donald Casterline, Sr. Alicia Cave φ Austin Chambers Jill Chambers Jordyn Chambers Debra L. Charlesworth φ Chatham Financial Chester County Intermediate Unit Chester County Juvenile Probation Unit Sarah Chiara Alice Chittenden φ Jennie Ciborowski Barbara Cicalese Eli Clark Tom Clark Louise Clarke Ann Colliluori Michael Colton Theresa Conklin Michael R. Cosgrove φ Kyle Costanzi Katelyn Costanzo Sherry Costanzo φ Lauren Costello φ Linda Coulston φ Catherine Coyle φ ‡ contributions matched through a corporate giving program . FALL/W INT E R 20 1 9 David Crea Ed Cunicelli Paolo Cunicelli Robert Cunningham, III φ Carol Dailey φ Elizabeth Dailey Maria and Richard Dalton Domenic D’Amico Michelle Dauberman φ Eli Davenport Rod Davis Lesley Dawson φ David Deaville φ AnnMarie Debar Allyson Debes φ Virginia Derbyshire Michelle Detwiler Lexi Devon Edison DeWilde Kimberly DeWoody Kathleen Dooley Sandra Drayer Robert Drummey Joe Duffy Luke Dyer Drew and Charlotte Eberts Sandra Eckler Doug Eddy Melissa Eddy φ Chris Edwards Arnold Eiser φ Shaked Eldor Wendy Emrich φ Alex Eustis φ Paula Fall φ Tracy Fan Janet Fassbender Arnold Feineman Julie Fekete φ Kim Fern Kyle Fetzer Shanlee Fisher φ Cara and Gillian Fitzpatrick φ Rachael Flickenger φ Dan Flickinger Cheyenne Flores Alicia Forero David Fredricks Dawn and Michael Freeman φ Beth Frey φ Friends Central High School Tristan Friere George Fritze Anne Fry Andrew Gale Melissa Galindo Aiden Gallagher Matt Gambino and Scout Troop 311 Alana George Gavin German Grace German Brian Gettig Leona Gill Gladwyne Montessori School Gladwyne Scout Troop 181 Jeremiah Gordon Karen Gorgonzola • members of Natural Lands’ White Oak Society 35