Natural Lands - The Magazine of Natural Lands Fall/Winter 2019, Issue 155 | Page 13

NAT U R AL LAND S 11 A YES Program participant holding a non-native praying mantis. Larger in size than their native counterpart, these mantids are indiscriminate hunters. They devour beneficial insects and even hummingbirds. See page 3 for more information. A battered window air-conditioner labors noisily to pump cool air into Bob Steininger’s office, a small room in a brick building in Phoenixville that was once a Catholic elementary school. It’s been a hot, sticky August. But Bob uses even the weather as a teachable moment. “I tell these kids, ‘If you can handle working outside in 95-de- gree heat and 100-percent humidity and stay focused on your project, you can do anything.’” Bob is the director of Chester County Youth Programs with Trellis for Tomorrow, a nonprofit that creates trans- formative, real-world opportunities for youth who have faced social and economic disadvantages. Through the lens of sustainability, young people learn to make choic- es that foster health and well-being for themselves, their communities, and the environment. Since 2009, 4,500 kids have been impacted by Trellis’ programs, one of which is still in its infancy but is off to a great start. The Youth Environmental Stewardship (YES) program focuses on creating the next generation of land stewards. Supported in part by immediate impact funds raised through Natural Lands’ Campaign for Humans and Nature, a small cohort of 13 to 17-year-olds work on a variety of conservation projects at two of Natural Lands’ preserves: Binky Lee and Bryn Coed. Projects include planting trees, trail maintenance and construction, invasive species removal, and various beautification proj- ects. The program emphasizes conservation and allows participants to explore possible career opportunities in the field. Connecting people—especially young people—to the outdoors has become an increasingly essential part of Natural Lands’ work. “Studies have shown that spending time outdoors increases a child’s interest in and care for the environment,” says Oliver Bass, president of Natural Lands. “Part of our job is to cultivate the next generation of conservationists. Getting them outside for hands-on experiences has a far greater impact than simply teach- ing them about the importance of the natural world in a classroom.” Every weekday morning during the six-week program, Bob drives his van around northern Chester County to pick up a dozen youth from Spring City and Phoe- nixville, then drives them to meet with Natural Lands Preserve Manager Darin Groff. They work for four hours . FALL/W INT E R 20 1 9