Natural Cures for Skin Eruptions, Rashes and Blemishes Natural-Cures-for-Skin-Eruptions-Rashes-and-Blemis | Page 4

Dynamic breathing is another must to strengthen immune system, release toxins from the stomach and keep skin radiant and clear. Rather than explain this, it might be easier if you watch my video so we can practice this dynamic breathing technique together. Many skin complaints are due to stress so have some Bach Rescue Remedy on hand and place a few drops under your tongue whenever you feel out of balance. With the above under way, I would like you to put aside any products you are currently using to alleviate spots. Instead, buy a packet of Echinacea tea, seep a tea bag in a mug for five minutes, remove tea bag, leave tea to cool, place liquid in plastic spray bottle and spray on face morning and night. This will help to disinfect the skin naturally. Now think of skin outbreaks. They are hot. They rage. Take the rage out of them by wetting a face flannel, sprinkling with witch hazel lotion, protecting flannel in zip lock bag and leaving in the deep freeze. Once a day, hold ice-cold flannel over face for 30 seconds and pop back in deep freeze for further use. (Rinse flannel out thoroughly every three days and sprinkle with fresh witch hazel).