Natural Cures for Skin Eruptions, Rashes and Blemishes Natural-Cures-for-Skin-Eruptions-Rashes-and-Blemis | Page 2
you’ve got pasta, white rice, white bread, white sugar, processed breakfast cereal or
naughty, naughty potato chips or cakes on your shopping list, cross them out and take
note of what the American Journal of Nutrition suggests to cut back on skin eruptions.
Think whole grains, beans, vegetables galore and become a fan of Omega 3 fatty acids.
Omega 3’s have been shown to control the production of leukotriene B4, a molecule that
can increase sebum, which in turn causes acne outbreaks. The easy way out is to take
an Omega 3 supplement every day but why not give it all you’ve got and include walnuts,
avocados, flaxseed oil and salmon in your diet since these are all rich in Omega 3.
Carrot and beetroot juice are super for tackling a mountain of skin issues (I couldn’t
imagine life without them). Let’s look at some of the benefits in the hope I can tempt you
to include a big glass of one or other on a daily basis.
CARROT JUICE is packed with essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants resulting in
innumerable health benefits. However, regarding the skin, the amount of Vitamin
A contained in carrots greatly improves dry skin conditions, such as psoriasis.
Additionally, carrot juice works to remove toxins within the body, thus reducing the
occurrence of skin eruptions, such as acne.