Natural Blood Pressure Exercise Program Download Natural Blood Pressure Exercise Program | Page 7

Money is, of course, a huge factor. The big pharmaceutical companies are very powerful. And there is corruption there like everywhere. Plus, you wouldn’t believe the amount of paperwork and government bureaucracy it takes to pull off the market medications that have been approved. Most doctors are honest and want the best for their patients. The problem is medical doctors have only two options: They can prescribe medications or perform surgery. And, knowing their patients will die if they don’t do anything, doctors try to use what they have. Okay, back to the story. My life clock was rapidly clicking away . . . tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock. I was desperately fighting to save my life. Trying every natural solution I heard of. But nothing seemed to help. You may think I’m exaggerating. But it’s a fact that more people die every year from diseases caused by high blood pressure than anything else.