Natura November - December 2013 | Page 39

İkikerebir’s design proposal removes all motor traffic from the city center and offers parking lots at various locations. Hence, the main square starts to function as a platform facilitating the visual and spatial interaction between the public buildings such as the town hall, library, mosque, coffee house, market place, and the school. The slope characterizing the topography is also utilized to create terraces at various levels between these buildings. These terraces and flat roofs interrelate with the main square at different levels and forms. One of the goals of the project is to attract more tourists to the area with the addition of the Nar House, guesthouse and multi-functional hall. The Nar House will function as a local museum after renovation, which will serve not only the locals but the potential visitors as well. The main square is divided into two as the lower and upper square and for the visual and functional differentiation of these two related but distinct squares, the lower one is clad in timber and the upper square in stone. Timber and natural stone is also preferred for the new buildings and for the restoration work. Nevşehir stone is characteristic of the traditional architecture that defines the geography of the area. Selection of natural design elements, such as natural stone, water and landscape elements creates a quality design experience in this small Anatolian town. ESKİ VE YENİ YAPILAR HEM MEYDAN İLE HEM DE BİRBİRLERİ İLE FARKLI KOTLARDA TERASLAR VE ÇATI BAHÇELERİ ÜZERİN