Natura May - June 2012 | Page 28

Sergi/Exhibition MERMERIN HER KATMANDA FARKLILAŞAN DOKUSU, MATEMATIKSEL HESAPLARLA OLUŞTURULMUŞ. MATHEMATICS WAS USED IN THE GENERATION OF A UNIQUE TEXTURED PATTERN. PROJE / PROJECT: Citco with Zaha Hadid Architects PROGRAM: Salone del Mobile 2012’de 3 mermer rölyef ve pavyon / 3 marble reliefs and pavilion at Salone del Mobile 2012 YER / LOCATION: Milano, İtalya / Milan, Italy TARİH / DATE: 2012 ama Zaha Hadid Architects’in Citco mermeriyle bu çalışması ancak insanoğlunun soyut geometrik desenleri tahayyül etmesi ve bunları fizikselleştirmesi ile mümkün olabiliyor. Modernizm öncesi zanaatle benzerlik gösteren, teknoloji ile geleneksel desen oluşturma tekniğinin bir arada kullanımında, tasarımda ileri hesaplamayla bu geleneklerin buluşturulması önemli bir rol üstleniyor. ‘Hiperarkaik’ adını verdiğim bu yaklaşım, geometri desen ve formun, geleneksel zanaat teknikleri ile sentezi. Milano’daki pavyonda da görüyoruz ki, fiziksel yaratım için gereken teknik beceriyi ortaya koyan insan elinin hüneri olmasa, bu tür desene dayalı geometrik tasarım da mümkün olamazdı. İnsanın kendisi, hem form hem de kavram olarak, burada gördüğümüz karmaşık organizasyon sistemlerini üretebilen organik ve doğal bir güç. 28 NATURA • MAYIS-HAZİRAN / MAY-JUNE 2012 architecture here combines materials, mathematics and craft in a way that is ironically closer to pre-modern ways of working. The intricate surface geometries of these panels with their expanding patterns and undulating textures are only possible in this combination of craft and computation. While the architects point to the influence of the forms of nature in these forms it would perhaps be better to relate the hand of man in their creation. Biomimesis, being inspired by nature, is perhaps an important factor in the designers approach but it seems that the marble of the Citco with Zaha Hadid Architects Pavilion could only be achieved by the ability of man to conceive of abstract geometric patterns and then make them physical. We see in this work a similarity to pre-modern ways of handcraft with their emphasis on technique combined with patternmaking. In this case there is the important role played by advanced computation in design merging with these traditions. This approach which I have termed “hyperarchaic” is the synthesis of geometry, pattern and form with traditional methods of handcraft. In the marble panels in Zaha Hadid Architects and Citco’s pavilion in Milan we see that in fact if it were not for the capabilities of man’s hand, the technical prowess required for their physical creation, that this type of pattern based geometrical design would not be possible. Man his himself an organic, natural force capable of the generation of complex organizational systems as both form and concept that we see exhibited here.