Natura March - April 2011 | Page 51

Konstantin Grcic 1965’te Münih’te doğan Konstantin Grcic 1991’de Konstantin Grcic Industrial Design’ı (KGID) kurdu. Tasarladığı her üründe tasarım ve mimari tarihine dair dikkatli bir araştırmayı ve teknoloji ve malzemeye olan tutukusunu yansıtan Grcic hakkında 2005 yılında bir de monograf yayınlandı. Born in Munich in 1965. Konstantin Grcic Industrial Design (KGID) was founded in 1991. The office specializes in various fields of design ranging from furniture and industrial products to exhibition design and architecture related work. KGID is working for some of the leading names of the international design industry. In 2005 Phaidon Press London published the first comprehensive monograph about the work of Konstantin Grcic. Konstantin Grcic defines function in human terms, combining formal strictness with considerable mental acuity and humour. Each of his products is characterized by a careful research into the history of design and architecture and his passion for technology and materials. KONSTANTIN GRCIC MART-NİSAN / MARCH-APRIL 2011 • NATURA 49 MARSOTTO.indd 9 4/11/11 6:19 PM