Natura July - August 2011 | Page 33

Tasarım/Design bir mağaza olduğuna dikkat çekiyor. Giriş yüzeyi, duvarın eni boyunca yerde uzanan siyah mermer platform ile pekiştiriliyor ve misafirleri içeri girmeye davet ediyor. Dış cephede kemerin üstündeki kısımda ise, yatay dizilimli taşlar üzerinde, dikey çizgiler oluşturan başka bir taş uygulamayla sütun kabartmalar öne çıkıyor. Eski mimari öğeler kullanan, fakat modern görünümlü dış tasarım, Armaggan mağazasının eskiyi yeniyle harmanlayan anlayışına referansta bulunuyor. Girişteki geniş holü, alacalı desenli gri ve beyaz tonlarındaki cilalı mermer zemin dolduruyor. Dikdörtgen çevreli, düz renkli parlak mermer sütunlar, üst kattaki balkonu ayakta tutuyor. İç balkonun etrafını saran cam yüzeyler, tavanda asılı baloncuklar halindeki ışıklı düzeneğin yansımasını yaparak, ortamın parlaklığını ve ışıltısını maksimuma çıkarıyor. Holün bir tarafını kaplayan ışıltılı makore yüzey, kahverengiliğiyle açık renk mekanı dengeliyor. Binanın mağaza bölümünü oluşturan katlarda, ürünler geniş aralıklarla, modern bir müze edasıyla yerleştirilmiş. Sergilenen ürünlere dikkati çeken, sadece mermer yüzeyler ve sütunlarla oluşturulan, nadiren sade masalar ve varak mobilyalarla karşılaşılan, minimalist iç tasarım. Siyah lakeli sütunlar ürün yerleştirilmelerini çerçevelerken, cilalı mermer 34 NATURA • TEMMUZ-AĞUSTOS / JULY-AUGUST 20011 and arches in a stone-like texture done with a contemporary flair. The stone paving on the first two floors is coordinated with these arches that surround the building façade. The lines between the panels on the architectural decoration on the façade visually unite these arches adding a texture that is in tune with the patterns on the surface. The large expanses of glass between these arches provide visual connections between interior and exterior clearly showing that this is a shop. The surface of the entrance area is paved with a strip of raised black marble that invites visitors into the shop. Above the columns on the upper part of the façade is a different style of neo-classic façade decoration that gives this building a historical appearance yet with modern flair. The interior entrance area is paved with marble dappled in a white and grey pattern. Polished monochromatic marble columns organized in a square support the upper balcony. Glass panels covering the inside of these interior balconies along with multicolored glass balls hanging from the ceiling reflect the light that bounces off the marble surfaces creating a very shiny environment. The matte brown color of the walls balances these reflective surfaces. The wide expanse between the products on the retail floors gives the feeling of a museum. The spare design and open spaces acts to direct attention to the products complemented by the marble surfaces and the occasional piece such as the gold colored tables and chairs. Visitors understand they are in a special environment through the elegance created by the use of polished marble, mirrors, reflective stainless steel, glass and the black lacquer columns surrounding the space. Even the service areas such as the door to the warehouse are lined with velvet. The use of flowing curtains provides a degree softness balancing the hard marble surfaces. Even in the art gallery floor, despite the fact there is a noticeable change in the paving material towards more even colored stone flooring the overall polished surfaces are maintained to provide continuity with the rest of the interior. On the far end of each floor are a series of interior balconies looking towards an open atrium. The balconies provide views down to the NAR restaurant and to a stone clad interior wall covered with a natural surface of plants. The glass above the atrium provides sunlight down to the restaurant reinforcing the permeability between interior and exterior that is found throughout the design. In fact the lack of interior walls and partitions supported by the spatial openness of the winding marble paved staircases also works to support the transparency and permeability that is the one of the main features of the design. The qualities of light, nature and elegance seen in Armaggan’s products are in this way also reflected in these expertly crafted interiors.