Natura January - February 2014 | Page 22

Sanat / Art A DESIGNER’S MEGALITHS EDWARD TUFTE, DESCRIBED AS THE “DA VINCI OF DESIGN” RECENTLY SHIFTED HIS FOCUS FROM VISUAL DESIGN TO SCULPTURES THAT HE SHOWCASES ON A SPRAWLING FIELD IN THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT. EDWARD R. TUFTE 1942 yılında ABD’nin Kansas City şehrinde doğan Edward R. Tufte, 1964’de Stanford Üniversitesi’nin İstatistik bölümünden lisans ve master derecesini, 1968 yılında Yale Ünivesitesi’nin Siyaset Bilimi bölümünden doktorasını aldı. 1967 – 1977 yılları arasında Princeton Üniversitesi’nde ders verdikten sonra 1977’den itibaren Yale Üniversitesi’nde çalıştı. Bu üniversitelerde istatistiksel grafik, uygulamalı istatistik, politik ekonomi, demokratik teori, araştırma yöntemleri gibi alanlarda ders verdi. Analitik tasarım alanında yazdığı dört kitabı yayınlayan ve günübirlik kurslar düzenleyen Graphics Press şirketini kurdu. Kitapları 2 milyonun üzerinde sattı. Heykel ve baskılarını New York’ta ET Modern ve Artists Space’de, Los Angeles’daki Architecture+Design Museum’da ve The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum’da sergiledi. Edward R. Tufte is a pioneer and leading figure in the creation of the field of information design in the 20th century. He received his B.S. and M.S. in Statistics from Stanford University in 1964, his Ph.D. in political science from Yale University in 1968. He initially taught as a lecturer at Princeton University and as Professor of Public Affairs at The Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University. Later he was a Professor of Political Science, Statistics, and Computer Science and Senior Critic at the School of Art at Yale University between 1977-1999 where he is currently Emeritus Professor. He has published 4 books on information and analytical design and conducts one-day courses through his own firm Graphics Press, LLC. He is also an accomplished artist whose sculpture and prints were exhibited in solo shows at ET Modern in New York, Artists Space in New York, Architecture+Design Museum in Los Angeles, and a major sculpture and landscape artwork exhibit was organized at The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum in Connecticut. He is also the owner of the ET Modern museum/gallery in New York City. 22 NATURA • OCAK - ŞUBAT 2014 / JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2014