This Native Plant Guide for Kiawah , Seabrook , and Johns Island is a comprehensive resource for homeowners interested in including native plants in their landscapes . The goal is to empower homeowners to make informed choices for sustainable landscapes . The guide directs readers to native plants that have thrived in the Kiawah Conservancy ’ s demonstration gardens ; it showcases native plants recommended by local native plant experts . Each plant was selected , considering its positive impact on local wildlife , aesthetics , adaptability to our unique coastal conditions , commercial availability , and low susceptibility to deer disturbance . By focusing on native plants and designs tailored to the Lowcountry , we can all be stewards of our natural ecosystems and enhance the resilience of both human and wildlife communities .
This native plant-focused project is a product of the Kiawah Conservancy and Seabrook Island Green Space Conservancy .
We invite you to join us in this ongoing effort by sharing your experience with native plants . Contact the Kiawah Conservancy at 843-768-2020 or webmaster @ kiawahconservancy . org to learn more about our restoration and enhancement efforts .
This living document will be continually updated as we expand our knowledge and experience with native plants .
www . kiawahconservancy . org www . surculusdesign . com www . sigsc . net