Native American Religion in North America Apr.2013 | Page 11

Spirit world


These spirits taught, broadly speaking, the respect for nature, and a deep love of the land. This love manifests in the both respect and worship of animals, plants and other phenomena found in the environment. In this view of the world all phenomena have spirits (beyond their physical manifestations), which continue to exist after the physical forms die (immortality). In fact, the religious admiration is showed to this spiritual form, not the material one.

The spirit world and the human world have a chosen mediator, the shaman. This role is defined the following way by Dixon “…in the lower stages of culture, at once healer, sorcerer, seer, educator, and priest…” (Journal of American Folklore, 7) His job is to deal with healing, foretelling the future to serve the community, and generally playing a central role in the tribe’s rituals, also leading the oral narratives.