Native American Mascots AP Sythesis Essay October 2013 | Page 2

AP Synthesis Common Argumentative Task Over the past 30 years, there has been a national debate as to whether school and professional sports teams should use Native American imagery as their mascots, nicknames, and/or logos. During the 1990s, scholars and media critics began to examine the use of Native American imagery in media. Research has shown that some people support the use of Native American athletic imagery depicted in media, while others oppose these. Native American Mascot Controversy and Mass Media Involvement: How the Media Play a Role in Promoting Racism through Native American Athletic Imagery (Elizabeth Locklear – University of North Carolina at Pembroke) Many claim that the use of mascots of Native Americans is honorable and harmless and not degrading to the indigenous race of America. On the other hand, some assert that the use of Native American mascots is derogatory and discriminatory. Carefully read the following sources. Then, after considering each one, take a stance on whether all Native American mascots should be dropped from sporting teams due to the inherent racism present in such a mascot? Make sure that your argument is central; use the sources to illustrate and support your reasoning. Avoid merely summarizing the sources. Indicate clearly which sources you are drawing from, whether through direct quotation, paraphrase, or summary. You may cite the sources as Source A, Source B, etc., or by using the descriptions in parentheses. Source A (Oxford Dictionary) Source B (Cartoon) Source C (Interview) Source D (Video ) Source E (Video) Source F (NPR Article) Source G (Forbes Washington Report 2012)