NATIONAL Show Program September 2023 | Page 3

22nd Anniversary

2023 NWHA Officers
President Jim Potter ( OH )
Vice President Shannon Gibbs ( NC )
Treasurer JoEllen Finerfrock ( GA )
Secretary Lori Snyder-Lowe ( OH )
Past President Amy Spinelli ( WI )


2 Welcome
6 Show Officials
8 Board of Directors Opportunities
10 National Judges
14 Best In Show
16 Events Line-Up
17 Our Sponsors
20 The National Show Bill
24 Walking for Warriors Class # 159
25 Trainer Directory
26 Versatility Championship Form
28 Consignment Sale Stall # 39
32 Regional Championship Class Qualifiers
42 Events Calendar
42 Save the Date 2023 NWHA Annual Meeting
Office Manager Cassidie Stevens ( PA )
2023 Regional Directors Susan Ellis ( VA ) Sydney Deal ( VA ) Jackie Dean ( TN ) Robin Lucareli ( WI ) Merleene Pacheco ( TX ) Dana Kanstul ( CA ) Morgan Head ( TN ) Mag Ranft ( OH )
Phone : 859-252-NWHA ( 6942 ) email : office @ nwha . com www . nwha . com
Artworks Advertising & Design email : nwhanews @ nwha . com
Copyright © 2023 | The National Walking Horse Association . All rights reserved .
Issued by the National Walking Horse Association , a non-profit animal welfare organization established in 1998 .
3 NWHA National Show Program | September 2023