National Show Premium Book 67th National and 2014 Youth World Appaloosa Show | Page 30
Pre-Entry Deadline: May 19, 2014 (post-entry prices do not take effect until June 1, 2014)
You must complete the ApHC stall reservation
form found online. Please complete only one form
per trainer/ranch/group. You must have your stalling information in the ApHC office by the pre-entry
deadline to receive preferred stabling. Stall location
and/or availability are not guaranteed. Post-entry
fees shall be assessed to both regular and daily stalls
if the reservations are received after June 1, 2014. Postentry fees are 1½ times the price of the pre-entry stall
fee. Stall reservations not received in the ApHC office
by June 1 should be taken to the show and submitted
to the stall office upon arrival.
$250 ($375 post fee) each— Burnett Building, Moncrief Building, Barn A (Equestrian Multi-Purpose
$225 ($337.50 post fee) each— Barns 4, 3, 2, 1
$95 ($142.50 post fee) per night - Daily Stalls are all
located in Barn 3.
No stall reservations will be accepted without full
payment of all stall fees. See PAYMENT PROCEDURES
for information on how to purchase your stalls.
The stall reservation form must be completed and
submitted with each horse’s registered name and registration number. List all horses that will be occupying
stalls. List all tack stalls separately as "TACK". If your
horse is in the process of being registered, include it
on the stall card with the registration name and number as "Registration Pending". Please indicate your
first and second choices for stall locations (Refer to
WRMC Facility Map online for building locations)
and include aisle or end location and any other notes
that may be helpful for personnel assigning your stall
location. The number of stalls requested cannot exceed availability in that area.
If you are stalling with a trainer/ranch/group,
send all stall requests AND PAYMENTS in the same
envelope, choosing just one trainer/ranch/group
name for the "stalled with" person. Include the total
number of stalls on one card only. Stall requests not
included in the same envelope or not faxed together
are not guaranteed to be stalled together.
NOTE: The person listed as “stalled with” is responsible for all money due and will be held liable for
all damages reported to stalls and is responsible for
any payments due for damage or stall panels that are
removed and not replaced by the exhibitor.
ApHC will attempt to stable each trainer/ranch/
group according to choices requested on the stall
reservation form. However, stabling decisions are
made based upon the National Show / Youth World
Show stabling history of the person listed as “stalled
with” and based upon the availability of stalls in
the requested area(s).
If you request additional stalls upon arrival, or after the original request is received, those stalls must
be paid for at the time of the request and may not be
located with your other stalls. Stalls purchased after
June 1, 2014 will be at post-entry prices regardless of
when you purchased your original stalls.
All reservations or changes to original reservations
must be made in writing to the ApHC office. Reservations or changes to current reservations will not be
accepted over the phone.
Stall locations will not be given out prior to your
arrival at the WRMC. You must check in at the stall
office in order to receive your stalling assignments.
Stalls will be available for move in after 7:30 a.m.
on Saturday, June 21, 2014. Do not arrive prior to this
as WRMC will be unable to accommodate early arrivals. Stalls must be vacated by 11:59 a.m. July 6, 2014.
All horses participating in the show, i.e. entered,
turn-back, assisting or any breed of horse on the
grounds must be stalled. Horses CANNOT be tied to
horse trailers.
Exhibitors are not allowed to change stalls without
the approval of the stall manager. If you change stalls
without the approval of the stall manager, you will
be charged for both stalls. Stalls cannot be re-sold.
Air conditioning units are not allowed in the barns.
Individual cooling units will be confiscated until the
end of the show.
Will Rogers Memorial Center (WRMC) will assess a charge of $15/panel for any portable stall
panel that is removed during the show. These panels
may be placed in the barn aisle prior to the start of
the show. WRMC will remove the panels and replace
them after the show. Exhibitors removing stall panels
will be assessed these fees after the conclusion of the
show upon ApHC receipt of the WRMC invoice. Exhibitors may choose to fold back the stall panels in the
portable stalls and zip-tie those and then re-assemble
the stall at the conclusion of the show to avoid these
charges. Stall panels in permanent stalls shall NOT be
removed under any circumstances.
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