National Sherwood Mall Leasing Brochure | Page 6

Who is the Stockton Shopper? More than 445,000 people live within a 10-mile radius of Sherwood Mall and have an average household income of $65,705. Stockton is home to 39,486 students in 38 elementary schools and 16 high schools and specialty schools. Also located in Stockton is the oldest university in the state, University of the Pacific, a private university, with over 6,000 students. Up and Coming Families make up 8.9% of the trade area residents. It is a market in transition—residents are younger and more mobile and ethnically diverse than the previous generation. They are ambitious, working hard to get ahead, and willing to take some risks to achieve their goals. The recession has impacted their financial well-being, but they are optimistic. Their homes are new; their families are young, and this is one of the fastest growing markets in the country. Barrios Urbanos make up 8.75% of the trade area residents. Family is central within these diverse communities. Hispanics make up more than 70% of the residents. More than one in four are foreign born, bringing rich cultural traditions to these neighborhoods in the urban outskirts. Dominating this market are younger families with children or single-parent households with multiple generations living under the same roof. These households balance their budgets carefully but also indulge in the latest trends and purchase with an eye to brands. Most workers are employed in skilled positions across the manufacturing, construction, or retail trade sectors. 10-mile radius 445,674 Population 131,598 $65,705 170,622 Average Household Income Total Households Daytime Population Stockton’s Asparagus Festival attracts over 100,000 visitors each year and was named a “Best of the West” Food Fest. 6 7