National Owner Experience Booklet NR 2023 | Page 10

Homeowner Communication and Services
Proprietary Owner ’ s Portal with Fully Integrated Cloud-Based Owner Access
Natural Retreats ’ homeowners can enjoy the convenience of our proprietary system that enables owners to log in remotely at any time of day to review owner ’ s statements , check booking pace , or to book a personal stay . Another benefit of the portal is your ability to track bookings and watch revenue increases in ‘ real-time .’ And when questions arise , our team is available to help anytime .
National Reach . Local Presence .
Becoming a Natural Retreats partner elevates your vacation home ’ s reputation and recognition to a database of travelers who value private vacation homes , high levels of service , and unique vacation experiences . When you join us as a homeowner , you also receive special rates at any of our other beautiful destinations throughout the United States .
Norwegian Woods — Sun Valley , ID
The Homeowner Experience